How to Get Well and Stay Well Naturally


We like to say around here that conventional medicine serves its purpose , but true healing often begins with natural methods.

Holistic healing embraces every aspect of an individual's life and believes that nature often provides all that’s necessary for the body to heal. During emergencies we’re extremely grateful for physicians, surgeons, and nurses that provide quality care when needed, but when it comes to chronic disease states we’ve seen the power of natural healing over and over again.

Meet Reed:

This week we’re speaking with a gentleman who feels the same way. Twenty years ago Reed Davis witnessed individuals visit the doctor continually without any real healing occurring and believed there had to be a better way. He made it his life’s mission to provide care and coaching for people who were wanting results, without the harsh drugs so often prescribed. He’s a certified nutritional coach and fitness coach, and developed a program called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition that has taught thousands of people across many countries how to empower themselves and others how to get well and stay well naturally. On this week’s episode we talk with Reed about his program and the importance of natural healing in the battle against poor health.

Some Topics We Discuss:

  • What is functional medicine? (1:42)

  • What patterns should we look for in our blood work? (15:00)

  • How can someone learn more or even become certified in functional health? (16:50

Some Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • You have to look at what’s H.I.D.D.E.N. to find what’s wrong with you: hormones, immune, digestive, detoxification, energy production, and nervous system. (11:04)

  • Standard blood tests provided by most physicians only scratch the surface to what’s going on. (14:04)

  • It’s important to pay attention even when you’re in a “normal range” in your blood work. It’s in those periods of being fine and not fine that we have to do research. (20:55)

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Brian Strickland: Hey everyone, and welcome back to The Holistic Navigator Podcast where we believe in the body's ability to heal itself. If it's given the proper nutrition and Care deserves. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer of the show and I'm joined in the studio as always by our host Ed Jones. On today's episode, we're speaking with Reed Davis. Over 20 years ago Reed recognized that people were caught in a cycle of treating symptoms without ever really getting well, and he wanted to change that. [00:01:04] After extensive research and work. As a certified nutritional therapist and fitness coach, Reed developed a training program called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition where he's taught nearly 3,000 trainees and graduates in over 50 countries how to empower people to get well and stay well naturally. So we're really excited to talk to him today about not only his training program, but about the power of nutrition and natural healing. Well, that's it for me everyone. So let's go ahead and get the show started. Here's your host, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones: Thank you again Brian for introducing this another episode of The Holistic Navigator. If all the people listen to what we've been doing for 84 episodes, you certainly know that I believe heavily in respecting the self healing capacity of the human body. That's why we have created so many topics that can help educate and assist people in their own self care. And also, you know [00:02:04] tending to be a partner in this process of creating optimal health. We have a very narrow medical system that in certain purposes is life-saving. If I have a car wreck, if I have a massive heart attack, even a terrible infection, they can be very life-saving but in many regards as far as chronic diseases, addressing aging, memory loss they are at best not what we need and that's to be kind. And years and years ago, I started listening to a gentleman. In fact, it was about 1991 a gentleman named Dr. Jeffrey Bland and I subscribe to his Institute for Functional Medicine because that's what we're going to talk about today and I would get these cassette recording cassettes from him every month and it was like the highlight of my whole week to get that because he was so far ahead of the curve. And [00:03:04] honestly functional medicine is asking the question of why rather than what. And what that means is if we're dealing with some health issues and you go to the conventional medical route, they are phenomenal about diagnostic procedures. They have the equipment. They have the experience and they know how to put a name on something. Where they fall down is actually on why did it happen. And I spoke at a conference about nine months ago, it was a medical conference. Everybody who was there was either a nurse a nurse practitioner or a physician and why they asked me to come I always still wonder but they ask me every single year. Well in this one last year, it was on functional medicine. Well while I had tended because I live in my own little world I forgot the attitude that conventional people have toward functional medicine. So when I stand up I was introduced to the crowd of 150 [00:04:04] or so people, I started explaining functional medicine. It was very obvious with body language that this was not a topic they were interested in. And I just looked up on Wikipedia the definition of functional medicine. Functional medicine is a form of alternative medicine that encompasses a number of unproven and disproven methods and treatments. That is the brainwashing that is being told to conventional people. That's why they look so unkindly on me. Well, it is not true. Functional Medicine to me is the future of healthcare. As far as people who are desiring the optimal path. The sheep of the society will never embrace functional medicine. They will continue down the same path that they are on we have had many conversations about the word functional medicine on The Holistic Navigator, but I'm excited today to introduce you to a gentleman who is pretty much spent his career embracing [00:05:04] this concept, but also, on many different levels of teaching it to others, helping people to be educated, and assisting those even with their own personal health challenges. Welcome Reed Davis to The Holistic Navigator.

Reed Davis: Well, thanks so much Ed. I'm just so grateful to be here. And you know, Jeff Bland you mentioned you met 1991. He's in a mastermind group of mine and I spoke to him as recently as two weeks ago and he's still on the cutting edge. He's still way ahead of everyone else, always remarkable. What a small world.

Ed Jones: That is so good to hear because I kind of lost a much of contact with him about maybe couple years ago, and I didn't know if he had retired or not. He is an icon. He's actually one of the probable reasons why I have gotten to where I am. And I think he's helped my business. He's helped the philosophy which is now [00:06:04] finally being embraced by people who are open-minded as far as what we really need to know about health care. I mean, it's like okay, we don't we, you know a patient a client can't sleep well. Do we really believe that the problem is an Ambien deficiency? No, it's not. We need to look into the why of almost every chronic disease and that's what you teach. I will tell people here real quick. You have participated as a public speaker and lecturer in so many different conferences from Paleo FX, The National Association of Nutrition Professionals, The Czech Institute, which I love, Quantum University’s World Summit on Integrative Medicine, The Bulletproof. I was with Dave Asprey a couple years ago and Anaheim. I love the guy I refer to him quite often. And you are an expert in functional lab testing, data guided health building protocols, and holistic lifestyle approaches. You [00:07:04] have done assessments for over 10,000 clients as a clinical nutrition therapist and taught over 3,000 health coaches and and health professionals about hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, nervous system issues, and building a successful Health coaching business. And I read something just literally two hours ago that I felt was very appropriate for this conversation and it was something that a person Bucky Fuller had written long ago. And it said “don't fight the existing system, create a new one that renders the old one obsolete.” Well that is not going to totally true because conventional will never be obsolete but we are going to create a new system. In fact, this pandemic has been such a blessing to awaken millions of people to the fact of the importance of self-care, what the immune system can do, [00:08:04] what it can't do, and what can do to help the immune system, which is a survival mechanism today. So I can get where I'm ranting too much and actually don't even let the guest talk. So I Reed I'm sorry about that. But I want you to start, you know, giving people some knowledge about the functional medicine aspect, what they can do to understand the importance of this and and and help them to give them some more resources as to what would be the next step if they Are interested in this path?

Reed Davis: Well, thank you and I enjoy listening to you because it's music to my ears. And we're definitely on the same page and so are millions of other people who want to know more. And just real quickly, I was in the environmental health business environmental. I was saving the planet let’s put it that way. I was graduating from an environmental law program and started working on Recycling and and saving birds, [00:09:04] bees, animals, trees. You name it. And the environments very rough on those things. And around 1999's well over 20 years ago. I turned my attention add to what what's this environment doing the people including me? I mean, I'm watching dead birds and trees and fish and stuff and I'm going well. Hey, what about us? I changed gears and went into working for a wellness center on people instead. And it was just amazing and you'll know exactly where I'm coming from. Because 20 years ago people were coming in the office and they'd all seen six or eight or ten different practitioners already and weren't well yet. And I thought wow what a ripoff. You know, most people get into the business. I'm in because of a personal health problem. I really didn't have any that I knew. It was just what a rip off people are getting ripped off. They're seeing six, eight, ten different practitioners and still have [00:10:04] most of their original complaint. All I've been doing is treating the symptoms and Band-Aids and patch jobs. And if it's a physician it's here's your drugs or surgery. And at the time most quote-unquote alternative practitioners were pushing a lot of pills and a lot of them like unproven therapies and things like that. Now obviously with people like Jeff Bland around was a true scientist and lots of other leaders in the field. I had a place to go. I was mentored by the way I decided that I was going to be the last person that those patients in the clinic needed to see. Very naive but I determined that would be my purpose in life and it hasn't changed since. And so it's because I started looking at well what's really wrong with people because I'm not a doctor. I have no business diagnosing or treating specific conditions and I just want to know what was wrong. And very fortunately again, I had amazing mentorship. I also was [00:11:04] very, very assertive and aggressive and just love doing what I was doing. So I ran thousands of labs on thousands of people. These were at the time alternative, you know sort of their now, they're called Functional Labs, but their labs that your physician wasn't running and looking at the hormones, and immune system, digestion, and detoxification. And I determined after a while that there were patterns, very recognizable patterns in what was really wrong. And I even came up with an acronym after several years of thousands of labs thousands people. That's “HIDDEN.” No matter what your problem is, you can come in with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, PCOS, irritable bowel, Crohn's you name it. All the foggy thinking and overweight and can't lose it and hair falling out. So it didn't matter if I look at the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and nervous systems “HIDDEN”. And by the way Ed, I [00:12:04] took thousands of labs that That up, but I just started seeing patterns when I worked on those things with people when I taught those people who had a maybe a diagnosis from a physician, but I didn't care about that. Like what's really wrong? Look at these areas, fix the imbalances and dysfunctions and they all got better or such a huge percentage that we knew he had a viable system of investigation. So the first thing I created was that system of investigation and it's accessible to everyone Ed. You know that we teach a course and I've trained a couple thousand people who are out there doing this and we have plans to really expand. And like you said now that COVID is here people are paying more attention. So that's how it kind of started with the running thousands of labs and figuring out what are the healing opportunities. And that's not a diagnosis. Here's [00:13:04] what you can fix. And then came up with a system a holistic program. Very step by step easy to follow that everyone could do starting with themselves. And now of course, we teach practitioners how to use this system, but everyone starts to themselves. You have to walk to talk in this business.

Ed Jones: I love that. You've never what a great synopsis of your philosophy and that of functional medicine and I started studying blood testing myself. There was a guy who was selling and I think he still does. I'm thinking back. His name was Weatherbee and he had some books on. Yes, and I learned so much from that that has certainly that was older information and we've learned much since then but it got me on the path of what you said was perfect looking for patterns. One thing I am always Is still griped about with physicians [00:14:04] is they will do first off they don't do the appropriate blood work in most cases. A CMP and a CBC complete blood count, complete metabolic panel are worth about 20 bucks actually in the world to blood testing. And that generally is what most physicians are running with maybe a lipid panel on top of that. It's good stuff, but that's not enough to embrace the father time’s damages that come with aging. We need to be checking. You know so many other factors from C-reactive protein all the way down the list. I'm huge about insulin. In fact, one of my Holistic Navigator podcasts for anyone who's getting blood work. I want them to go back and listen to believe his doctor Rountree on blood testing and how to evaluate it correctly and it's all from a functional medicine perspective. But the other thing is again, I was going to get to the point of here. Physicians do not generally look at trending. I have looked at blood work. people where you know, if we if [00:15:04] we watch a number this supposed to be between 10 and 30 and it's you know, it's 22 one period of time than is 24 then is 26, you know, it may take three to five years to get out of range while look how much time was wasted because you didn't see the trending of those numbers. And most Physicians live and die on the red flag or the noted either too low or too high on a blood test and it is asinine and insane to think we're going to create optimal health like this. It's like waiting watching your tire leak air but you're not gonna do anything about it until it's completely flat. Yet, you're on a trip. So again almost everything I speak about is exactly you're staying the same philosophy of looking at the why and patching is the conventional model and sometimes if that's what the people want. I really don't argue with the desires of people. But I want to meet them where they are, but they have [00:16:04] to understand that that is not a healing philosophy. It is again putting a patch on a tire that should have a real fix to it, which is not. So as far as you and I know I looked at some of the topics that you have addressed. I mean, it's all across the board. I mean you understand the impact of GI pathogens, and food sensitivities, and all of the parts from thyroid Health, to sleep to you name it that we all as human beings embrace or have to deal with at a certain point if we live long enough and I just think it's awesome that there's finally we're getting some momentum on this type of education. And I know you and this is what's exciting for me. I actually have three health coaches that are under me and we are so busy that were wanting to add more perhaps health coaches, but you know, I really did not think about sending them to a functional medicine [00:17:05] type of education until we actually connected and it's really sparked something in me because of the need. If a person wanted to either for themself or for even a occupation if they wanted to learn about and be certified in Functional Health. And again, we're not treating medical conditions. We don't even have to call it that we're educating people how to optimize their health, but if they were interested, You offer a type of program that could help people to journey this path, don't you?

Reed Davis: Absolutely. I mean, that's what I do. That's my main purpose in life now is teaching people to use our system of investigation, use our system of customizing protocols and use our system of health coaching so that you can nurture a person along for a while until they're on their own. And so yeah, absolutely that's we do, you know and if they're going into business, [00:18:05] we have a group of alumni who are strictly professional. I mean they are doing this taking all of this you have to work on yourself so you can do it just for that. But people want to be in this business and it’s booming the health coaching business not for too much for these types of statistics. But according to Forbes last year 8.14 billion dollars was spent on health coaching services. That means that's all together. That means health coaching and health work that's not under a physician. So Physicians they do even more billions and billions of but just the health coaching business with over a billion and is expected to grow by almost a billion a year. So it's an expanding profession and it's so exciting. You know, we've been doing it for 13 years and now there's this big ground swell and kind of wave of interest. That interest is part of it. [00:19:05] But also the accessibility is another big why is it growing. Well, because now this lab work that I've been teaching for 13 years is really accessible. I've created a direct-to-consumer program that anyone can run these labs anywhere. That's the data I think you must have. So there's a lot of reasons for the expansion and growth. So in the US absolutely people can do it for themselves, get your stuff and get your family healthy. That alone is worth the price of admission. But if youit's a lot of work, but you have to invest some time and and you know, it's not free but keep it reasonable. But yeah, absolutely if you're interested, but I want to go back to something you said earlier. when you mention covid and how that's created a lot of awareness and there's a big. Look, I hope at the end of it whenever that might be that that's the good that comes out of it. Well, it made people pay attention because just two weeks ago when I talked to Jeffery Bland he said and this was to a group of 50 people not just talking [00:20:05] to me. He said listen folks. Everyone's going to get exposed. It's inevitable. You will be exposed and so the true answer, the solution isn't like have some medicine in your cabinet to take care of it. It is to build your immunity up so that it doesn't bother you when you get it. Like I may have even already had it and even know it because my immune system is so good. So you get where I'm going with that Ed and so I wanted to say that if that's what the good comes out of the COVID thing. But unfortunately this is different topic but there's so much good that's bad that's coming of a people are making a little cottage industries out of it. I don't think they want it to go away but again different subtypes are for different day. But the other thing that I want to take you back to was with positions like you mentioned Weatherbee, he was a Pioneer. I haven't [00:21:05] seen him in years. He kind of disappeared a bit and Physicians their job it is not the same job as a health coach. So you gave a lot of credit where it's due for the urgent and emergent care that they give. If you get off a plane from West Africa in your temperature’s 105 and you're bleeding from your eyeballs, you're not going to call your health coach. You'll get some attendant care that you need. But generally speaking. When you go to a physician they look for what's out of range on their standard blood work and if it's in range you're fine. And if it's out of range, you're no longer fine. Well that doesn't make sense that isn't there a period in between somewhere where you could have noticed a few things? And people just aren't educated and notice those things and if there was a trend available in there year after year after year testing, they don't have the same doctors. With insurance companies changing and dropping insurance and picking up new insurance [00:22:05] and not the into this and that. You very few people have the same doctor for more than two years. So there's no one to make that observation except the patient themselves and they're just again not educated or where. And lastly on that. There's nothing wrong with relief care. So let's say you have a pain or something about the way you look that you want to change. We could feel you don't you're not happy. Want to change it? Well, if it's if it's pain in these kind of things really scares, not bad you want to get out of pain? You know, it's God forbid have to take an ibuprofen because you whack your knee take it. But then you know, you want it whatever that condition might be you want to do the corrective care. Physicians today are not in the business of correcting things except by surgery, like just remove the part, you know, so that we they really don't work on correction. They work on management of the disease and that is what creates the opportunity for you and me.

Brian Strickland:[00:23:07] Alrighty everyone. We wanted to pause for just a moment to tell you about our sponsor today Kyolic. We love Kyolic products and Ed has been talking about them for years. Especially the fact that it's an odorless garlic supplement. He's not a big fan of the smell and taste of garlic. So the fact that the aging process removes the odor completely is a game-changer for him. But we wanted to tell you specifically about their immune formula. Kyolic 103 is an immunity blend that has of course one of the best garlics you can find but also vitamin C, a premium mushroom complex, astragalus, oregano extract, and olive leaf extract giving a well-balanced immune formula perfect for moving into these colder months. These ingredients are some of our favorite natural immunity products and to have them all together in a single formula is really great to learn more about their full line of aged garlic products you can visit

Ed Jones: [00:24:07] I tell people probably on a daily basis when they ask and they're many people come to me that are very frustrated in their pursuit of health because they've been through again numerous Health Care Professionals who are you know, first off generally not the best listeners on Earth. And secondly, they're not giving any anything but management type of advice. But I tell these people and I think you probably would not disagree with this. I think that should all expect as we get older assemble a team that's going to support our health as each year goes on and decade. And that team does need to include a conventional Medical Professional. You never know when you might strain, break something, have a raging infection need a good diagnosis because of unknowns. Those are wonderful people the health care industry is full of the most amazing individuals is to system that's broke not the individuals and they can't help [00:25:07] it. They were trained under a certain Paradigm. And that's just the way it is. But along with that you need to accommodate yourself with another team member that would be totally under the heading in my opinion up a functional, holistic. You can say nutritionists. You could say Healthcare practitioner. You can say coach but someone who's able to look outside the box, look at the bigger picture of where is your body trending? What is out of balance? Can we take the nutrients? One thing you said that has freed up. This philosophy is the ability to do blood testing. I know even on under products or Services, you know, we have online testing for from a Direct Labs is the name of the company the people can order with any city there is and they can just go to our website click order blood tests and get these things again. I really encourage people that you can't just order it and expect to have a lot out of that. You have to have people who are [00:26:07] skilled in interpreting and giving advice. And again on my podcast I've had one of those episodes with the physician that was amazing as far as giving that advice but someone like you and your services I am truly excited about the fact that. And I had no idea there was an eight billion dollar industry. So that, Reed, blows my mind. It gives me even more optimism. I would have never guessed that so it's obvious that there's hunger for this type of information and you're not going to twist your physician to you know, or pressure them to change their conversation with you. They simply don't have it in their toolbox. They have very very small amounts of functional training or none. Actually. I mean, I've been doing this 42 years and not by any means am I bragging but you know, I have many physicians who come to me and say what do you think about this or what do you think about this[00:27:07]patient and you know, they're interested in more healing and you know. It's a great compliment after you and I both know being categorized as you know, almost a witch hunt. It was a witch hunt for people like us for many many years. And I want to say one thing about the COVID. I love the fact Jeffrey Bland who was one of my absolute mentors. I mean, I really think he's sparked me in a path that I would have never ever been where I am today without all of his and I did. For about seven years all of his cassette tapes that I listened to endlessly at the angst of my now ex-wife maybe that was one reason she's an ex. But she hated the fact that I had these headphones on and and the only thing I ever listened to was Jeffrey Bland. But I want to say that early and maybe April of this year 2020. I started talking about I want covid so bad if I did not have to work and I was fearful of taking off. I literally was [00:28:07] Going to put a Facebook ad that said please if you're sick with it, call me. I want to come over and breathe your air. Well, I did get it. I finally got it about nine weeks ago. I was actually on a trip to Florida, one of my only vacations and a long time on the first night. I was there I woke up with a cough from Hell well because I've done two interviews while I'm with Dr. Michael Smith the medical director of Life Extension in one with Dr. Rountree that has protocols for what we do if you really start thinking you're getting it. Well, I took all my goody bag down of the seven different advice pieces that they had given and I started. Well, I was pretty much an 85 percent over it within 2 days other than a little more fatigue and no appetite. Well, I really didn't think it was COVID because I didn't I really didn't feel bad other than that first 36 hours. But then we do blood testing here locally and the lady came in about a month ago and said, hey, we got the new antibody. The latest antibody test is the most accurate and I said [00:29:07] well, stick me. Well she called back three days later and said you're the first person out of the numbers. We have done that has full antibodies against SARS-2-covid and I celebrated. I was like I am so happy about this. So when people meet me I say you don't have to worry about me right now. I can't give it or get it. But it it shows the power of the nutritional intervention because I am in an age where I'm a risk factor at 63 years old, but because my D levels adequate because I did the right supplements, there was almost a nothing. I've had many colds that were far worse than my covid, you know. This functional medicine aspect is what saved me so maybe tell people okay. It says let's say they're listening right now. They're totally intrigued by this whole thing. I think they will be already convinced that. Oh, I know I need to find a practitioner who is skilled in Functional Health, so that's a given. But if they want to on their own, [00:30:07] on learn more about this for them and their family or considering a career in this what would they go to as a website and tell them more about how they get started?

Reed Davis: So it's As you well know stands for functional diagnostic nutritionist that’s what we call our program. So it’s I know an awful lot about it and get you can get like a free career counseling session if you're interested in taking the course and someone very nice will speak with you. But you know, what I wanted to go back to for a sec was the 800 billion and it's going to grow at least 10% a year according to Forbes, which is another 800 million new dollars in the in the area. That's a sizable chunk of change. [00:31:07] And what it tells you is that you're never going to run out a customers.You know, I just get I don't do the registrations but one of the questions I get asked and I was asked that once back when I was doing it. Hey Reed, I don't like to take your course, but I'm not sure I'll ever have you know, can I build my business? And I said well, where do you live. He goesNew Jersey. Ha ha ha I said yes. I got no, there's no sick people in New Jersey forget about it. Yeah, so but you know, the point is you're never going to run a customer's if you wanted to do health coaching as the living and you can the coolest thing about it, Ed, from my perspective what I live out in the country up on a mountain overlooking a lake. It's an idealiclifestyle and it's taken me 20 years to get here. But I've also helped others do it in much shorter time. So [00:32:07] I'm just, you know too busy working to plan the future, but I landed here in a beautiful spot where I work from early in the morning till about, you know, one or two in the afternoon, and I'm done. Like every day and it take days off and I want and I can Ford a personal trainer to come up to my house, I can afford the best food I can you know, I live a lifestyle that others want to follow. They want to be like that and so if you want to because we're all working from home now anyway, right like I've been covid thing happen. Oh you have to work from home. Yeah. I've been doing it for 12 years already and so of all the people I've trained. We train people how to do virtual practices so that you can build your business up. It's good to go out locally and do some workshops and things to get to know a few people and get your your wings under you but once you do that, then you can really build yourself up. And when you have a program that actually works most of its referrals anyway, and so [00:33:07] but you can live that lifestyle. You know, you should get up in the morning and do something healthy and meditative. It's good for your soul. You know, you should eat a good breakfast. If you're a breakfast eater of the finest, you know, most pure sort of organic stuff. You don't have to eat crap, then you can go to the gym and then you can work at your desk for a few hours and make the kind of money that you probably only dreamed of and then, you know do something else spend time with your family or whatever it is you like to do personally. I garden and I ride motorcycles like very frequently like all the time. And so I live in the mountain. So, of course, I ride a bike, you know, but I live in Southern, California. So gardening here is second nature to ask the people we all anything you stick in the ground and put water on, it grows. So it's really a beautiful lifestyle and that could be your first step [00:34:07] but you got to work for it. You know, it's you got to work on yourself. You got to learn the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry. It's college level and I've had people typically have phds and master's degrees and say they never took anything so practical in their life. There's no fluff. There's No Frills. It's here's the deal and it's what I figured out by working on 10,000 people over way over that now with all my surrogates, my deputies out there in the world or in 50 countries. So yeah, it all comes together in one mission of like the same one you have Ed its to basically Save the Planet, but it's the The people on it like I did my time and environmental field now it's time to save the people.

Ed Jones: I love that. I can certainly tell that we and I think others will connect with your passion [00:35:07] your conversation because you're creating a win-win relationship. Not only can people assist in their own health and their families. They can have a career that's rewarding and every person they deal with who embraces their advice has a chance to achieve a level of health that they literally cannot do through conventional methods. And the day is coming where the conventional model will have to themselves Embrace some of this functional medicine because more and more people are so frustrated with the normal medical model that they are pooh-poohing it and sometimes just completely not going and many people are not utilizing insurance any longer because of the fact that you know, most of the health coaching will certainly probably still would have to be significantly paid for with cash at this point. Maybe down the future. It won't but I don't think people should go without insurance because car wrecks still happen, but a lot of people are that I [00:36:07] speak to and so they're you know, they're happy to spend the money for the health coaching because of the value that it gives them. And the confidence that you know, if that they're going to probably do far better for an extra decade or two than their sister who doesn't embrace it. Now you are right. If you have a raging health disorder, the health coach is not the person that you would text or call at that moment because we're not about acute care or about the chronic, and the long term and the system that's going to create the ability to live to be 80 plus 90 plus and still be robustly healthy at least from a self care philosophy. So I'm really thrilled because what this does for me Reed is is it gives me a platform when I speak to people who are so intrigued by this concept, but they actually don't have the word to put on it called Functional Health. We now can educate them what it is and if they're interested give them an [00:37:07] option to pursue this so I am grateful and thank you very much for such a focused and easy-to-understand explanation of functional medicine.

Reed Davis: Ed you’re very welcome. To continue or pick it back up and take the topic wherever you want. And just on that, you know, actually functional medicine is cool and everything, but your title holistic is actually a step above because even in functional medicine, there's because they’re physicians they're required by standard of care to state a diagnosis or they can't get paid by the insurance company. The only way they get paid is to put that right down in the diagnosis and then of course their treatment plan has to match that according to “The Gatekeepers” to the insurance company. So there's still a bit hand tied. Healers if you will or people in a position [00:38:07] to help others are the whole health coaches. I'm a triple board certified holistic health practitioner and I serve on a couple boards to these organization. So the word holistic to me sort of subjugates function well but and yeah, you want to lean that way because you want to work on how things are phone function but holistic includes Mind Body Spirit and everything on the planet and above that that's important too. So, I think you've got the best name.

Ed Jones: Well, I appreciate that and it's and it's interesting you brought that up about the basically the conventional model is handcuffed because of the need to have a diagnosis which then gives a practitioner a code. That code will then will demand the type of treatment that will come down the pike. So it's you know many practitioners today. I mean, they're going to their back room with their iPad after they get a diagnosis and just typing [00:39:07] in code 4693 and here's the protocol and it's not an art. I mean medicine and healing is an art as much as a science, but the art has been taken out of it these past decade or two. In fact, I was mentoring with Dr. Cowan who wrote The Great Book Human Heart Cosmic heart and Cancer and the New Biology of Water and vaccines autoimmunity. And he told me he's just retired but what a intuitive wise individual as far as the new shift into what truly creates disease and he said what you did. As long as you have to rely on a code, you'll never be a healer. And you know, it's all about listening to the client patient is there's so many parts to this puzzle that you're not going to get with conventional medicine. And I just am excited that I'm living in a time that I almost [00:40:07] did not perceive that would really occur in my lifetime. And here I am. I mean, I am 63. You know, I'm not going to live another 50 years by any means and you know, anything can happen even to the best of us. Us but I am thrilled the fact that that this has come about within within my lifetime and my daughter who's 30, she will be carrying on the tradition of my entire business career because she's also schooled in exactly the same thing. So I'm just thrilled that we now have an option for people and an explanation for people as far as the functional concepts. So Reed amazing. I do hopefully we can get back together and pick a topic or two and we might actually I think a great idea would be in order to explain really in the how where the rubber meets the road of what what is a functional consultation kind of sound like we could we could go through a couple of scenarios like, you know gut health or thyroid or let's say somebody who had [00:41:07] autoimmune and we could go through a protocol where they could get a totally view of the difference between us and them I guess I would say. So I'm looking forward to that in a few months. And thank you for taking your time all the way from California to join us here for The Holistic Navigator.

Reed Davis: It’s been my great pleasure Ed. Pleasure to know you and work with you.

Ed Jones: This won't be our last time I'm sure to interact. And I will say something I've said probably 50 out of my 84 Holistic Navigator podcasts is I do separate the world into two classes of people: Learners and Non-Learners. If you're a non-learner and you are concerned or you're worried about health you're going to be struggling forever because you have to be able to embrace education and knowledge for your own self benefit and to be a wise consumer. So please be in the learner group and I think if you're listening to the Holistic Navigator you are 100% a learner. So thank [00:42:07] you everyone and we will look forward to the next exciting episode of The Holistic Navigator.

Brian Strickland: The information on this podcast in the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or any one of the medical profession and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The Holistic Navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or listener of these materials. The Holistic Navigator is not a doctor or doesn't claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.

“I ran thousands of labs on thousands of people… And I determined, after a while, that there were patterns. Very recognizable patterns, in what was really wrong.”

-Reed Davis, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition