The Transformative Power of CBD On Pets with Angela Ardolino


It’s heartbreaking to watch your pet suffer. As pets age they slow down and are unable to perform like they once used to. Many dogs and cats are plagued with arthritis, cancer, tumors and a myriad of other health issues. It’s tough watching a creature that has offered so much joy and comfort in your own life struggle to keep up or just not even try.

Meet Angela:

Angela Ardolino is the Founder/CEO of CBD Dog Health and has seen first hand what age and other health conditions can do to pets. Thankfully she’s also seen miraculous changes with just a little bit of CBD. After being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis Angela was determined to find a natural solution and turned to CBD. She quickly became an advocate for the medical cannabis industry and CBD Dog Health was born. On this episode we talk about the transformations that Angela has witnessed firsthand, dosing for pets, the importance of purity, and what to look for in an effective CBD product.

Some Points We Discuss:

  • How did Angela become an expert in CBD for pets? (4:00)

  • What compounds of the hemp plant are ideal for dogs? (14:30)

  • How does CBD work for cats? (21:49)

  • What is the proper dosing of CBD for dogs? (24:27)

  • What to look for in quality products? (42:29)

Some Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • The two most important components for optimal results are THC and CBD. (15:13) 

  • CBD works better on pets, especially dogs, than humans because they have 2-10x the receptors that humans do. (16:12)

  • Everything CBD helps with humans it helps with dogs, but even better and faster. (19:16)

  • Dosage is not based on the weight of the dog. We have to look at what is going on and address it that way. Every dog is different. (24:35)

  • You have to address your pet’s diet in order to get to the root of the problem. (29:45)

  • Full spectrum CBD is the key. (41:26)

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Brian Strickland: [00:00:00] If you're looking for a trusted source of natural supplements, look no further than since 1979 Nutrition World has been a staple in the Chattanooga community with dedicated research specialists at stay ahead of the trends to make sure you have the most reliable products available at the most competitive prices. All of their supplements are vetted for quality, effectivity, and potency and shipped using the utmost care with cold packs included in each and every order. You can shop online now at and choose from thousands of your favorite supplements, sports nutrition, pet and specialty food products today. Nutrition World -- Partners on your Wellness Journey.

Hey everyone, welcome back to The Holistic Navigator Podcast where we believe in the body's capacity for self healing if it's given the proper nutrients and care. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer of the show and I'm joined in studio as always by our host Ed Jones. On today's episode, we're taking a departure [00:01:00] from addressing human health concerns and focusing more on our furry friends. We're joined today by Angela Ardolino the founder of CBD Dog Health to talk about the transformative power of CBD, covering dosing, types and what to look for in the CBD product. So that's it for me. Here's the host of the show, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones: Thank you Brian for the introduction of today's podcast. You know, I say this quite often that I'm excited to be in the presence of a new person to interview. And I am when I say that but I think I've got an extra star of excitement for today's podcast. We are talking and before you say to yourself, well Ed’s already talked about CBD on four other occasions and all four important. But this one is a really different conversation because we've never discussed the benefit of hemp, [00:02:00] cannabis, CBD in the world of pet wellness. And you know it was odd. I was talking to the producer, Brian, right before we started this and I told him I said the person today I can tell from what I'm reading she is passionate about her life and topic that we're going to talk about. And I said Brian, I know that we already agree to this. We are only going to have passionate people on this podcast if we can possibly make that happen and today we have Angela Ardolino to The Holistic Navigator. Welcome Angela.

Angela Ardolino: I thank you so much for having me.

Ed Jones: I am so intrigued about what we were going to learn today because I consider myself very experienced and well read about the CBD, hemp, cannabis conversation, but not in regard to pets. And I know that it's such a holistic pet market is growing exponentially because we're now realizing [00:03:01] as I talked about many years ago, I basically killed my golden retriever because I had lack of knowledge. I fed the golden the normal kibble, the normal foods that was packaged beautifully and had the right words and said natural on it. But once she got lymphoma at six years old, she didn't last but about five months despite anything and everything I did. And I've actually done a great podcast from a gentleman in Australia that the title is The Problem With Pet Food and his name is Phivo. Unbelievably passionate man. I love him to death. But we never talked about the thing we are going to talk about the CBD, the dosing, and that's what really intrigues me. I want to learn from you. You know, how do we make this happen where the rubber meets the road for people people with pets that have issues, issues with whatever comes the way whether it be arthritis, whether it be the anxiety, skin condition you name it, so [00:04:01] tell us a little bit about yourself and how you get started on this path to be such an expert in this field.

Angela Ardolino: You bet. So what's so funny is that I had the same experience as you did. Matter of fact, I want to write a book that's you know got big letters on it that says how not to kill your dog or go broke trying to save it because my first you know beloved dog same thing. Started getting sick when she was about 7 years old and I had done everything my conventional vet had told me to do. I fed the kibble, I did vaccinations every single year, I did the flea and tick, did the heartworm and I did everything and I lost her at seven years old. I stopped counting at $10,000 on vet bills and trying to figure out what it was. I had everything done. Nobody ever said to me look at what she's eating and they had her on so many prescription drugs and steroids and I lost [00:05:01] her anyway. I even got an autopsy done. And the only thing that they could find was IBD, which is irritable bowel, which does not kill you. So I never got an answer. So that really started my quest on it. Actually when I was at this time I owned a magazine. I just started a magazine for families and all I did was concentrate on holistic health. So honestly, I felt like she was a canary in my new home and I was you know and I was worried. Are there chemicals in the house? Are there chemicals in the yard? Is the lake toxic? Like it really I could not figure out what was wrong with her. Well, guess what? The more I educated myself the more I realize that dogs are a lot like us except they're more sensitive to everything and I over vaccinated her, and overmedicated her, and I killed my dog also because I trusted [00:06:01] a conventional vet instead of educating myself and realizing that they're just like us. Why am I not taking prescription medications and eating healthy and doing all these things, but I'm not doing the same thing for my dog, which is part of the family. So that was a big wake-up call for me. We can move forward now to my next baby dog. I wasn't going to make any mistakes on him and I call him my soul dog. He's Odie and I really educated a new everything by then. Now we're going to get to about 2015 when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, and I was prescribed Humira which is linked to lymphoma. It's also for any autoimmune disease. It's an awful prescription medication and I wasn't willing to do that. Like I said, I live in natural lifestyle, so it's certainly wasn't going to [00:07:01] put that poison in me just so that I couldn't feel the joint pain. And that's when I found cannabis so I tried it and I could not believe how well it worked relieving joint pain, stiffness, arthritis, and then anxiety and stress levels went down which is what probably caused me to get rheumatoid arthritis in the first place. And I thought how the heck is this illegal? How is this you know not given to everyone who needs it? So I started to really research, it look into it. And since I had a family magazine I got in touch I got involved with a group called Canna-moms which are an organization a nonprofit organization that helps mothers get access to medical cannabis for their kids who need it whether they have cancer or seizures and I got really involved with them. [00:08:01] Here in Florida where I'm medical marijuana still wasn't legal. So we fought hard. I became an advocate and fought hard to get it legal here in Florida. And I mean, I was watching children, you know, six year old kids have seizures and watch their mom calmly open up a bottle, a tincture and put a dropper of it on their gums and watch the child right in front of my face stop having that seizure and become a normal child again, and I couldn't I couldn't just wasn't just I couldn't believe it. So I literally went jumped on an airplane and went to California to start learning about it. Since we all know California's been medically legal for over 25 years now and that's where I went to my first conference and one family after another, one doctor after another, one child after another being saved by this incredible. Listen, [00:09:01] and I just thought this is inhumane to keep this from us. So I really just decided that this is my purpose. I need to do more in this industry. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm going to do something. So I was lucky enough I actually hired a consultant who's an expert to just learn everything from growing it, legalities, business side, everything. I was his favorite student and when the University of Vermont School of Medicine called him and said, hey, we're going to have this program about medical cannabis therapeutic use and biology. Do you have any promising people that you know about and I was that person and so I got to take their program which is why I know everything about the plant’s biology and therapeutic uses.[00:10:01] And that's where I found out that animals have the same exact system is we do and that the medicine works even better on them because they're more sensitive to it and they have more receptors throughout their body. And animals were always my passion and love and then cannabis was my new passion and love. So to combine the two of them it's just been a dream come true and that's kind of where it all started. So 2015 is kind of where everything changed. I sold my magazine. It was a big deal because everybody couldn't believe that you know, this parenting expert holistic health expert was jumping into the Cannabis world. So, you know, there were people that loved it and people that hated it and it was a crazy thing. But I mean, I've never been more passionate about something and it's interesting because now everything that happened in the human [00:11:01] side of things is now being repeated in the pet industry and it's just ridiculous. It's even worse in the pet industry. In 2015 I couldn't find a product for pets. So I started developing one and completed it in 2016, but had to basically use it here on my rescue farm, and I also have a grooming and boarding shop. So I used it there also. So I guess I guess I got to do a little trial and figured out what what I saw the most coming into my shop, what I saw the most on my rescue which is, you know old sick dogs that people can't handle the vet bills anymore and they're filled with problems or they were going to be put down and I get them instead and I have nothing to lose with these pets and I bring them completely back to health with just medical cannabis and CBD.

Ed Jones: Man what an inspiring [00:12:01] Story and I can feel it through your voice alone. And you know, I've also occasionally I will say this about myself and in no means am I bragging I feel like and I haven't done that exactly with humans, but I've been doing this for 41 years. And you know, I love knowledge. I love textbooks. I love all the big numbers and all the studies but there's a big place and I call myself. I have a PhD in life experience with health and you have a PhD be in that also, you know, you can talk all day long about numbers and statistics and studies. But when you see a dog come into you over and over and over that’s struggling that you have nothing to lose and legally you can do this and you see that turn around that is absolutely life-changing of course is the perfect word. Now, I want to start giving some and anyone who's trying to learn about CBD which is, you know, part of the cannabis story we do have three or four podcasts [00:13:01] on The Holistic Navigator that will educate you fully about the human side of this. We have five most important questions with John Kennedy who I know very well who's a true expert. We have demystifying the power of CBD with Carl Germano who wrote a phenomenal book Road to Ananda. And we have hemp with Devin Alvarez who owns a company and he's very knowledgeable. But let's start on, you know, everyone who has a pet who just listened to you probably has if they're older pets, has some kind of issue that they want to manage and if they're listening to the Holistic Navigator, they're probably very much into non-pharmaceutical means. And I will have to say and I've said this probably every other show. No one is more connected to the philosophy of self. The body has self-healing capacities that are truly miraculous. But only if we harness it, encourage it, and remove toxins from the body and that applies to pets as well as humans. And so what I say is the people in the medical [00:14:01] Industry, of course. I used to refer to human, you know physicians, they are actually part of a broken system. So I tried myself not to be too negative toward the individual person. I'm very harsh toward the broken system and once they're in the system, they really are kind of handcuffed so they don't have a choice. Now I do argue with their attitudes. But you know, that's what the school they went to learn and that's just the way it is. So as far as pets now first off before we even get started are we going to talk about CBD or THC or just cannabis? How does this go?

Angela Ardolino: So when I went to school it was hammered in our head to call it medical cannabis, which is what it is. I also like to call it whole plant medicine or a whole plant food, but when I say CBD and whenever I'm speaking I'm only speaking of a full spectrum product which means [00:15:01] a product that has at least the point three percent THC in it. Not a broad-spectrum product that has the where the THC has been taken out. THC and CBD are the two most important components and they have to be in there for it to be a complete and awesome medicine. So when we talk about research and we talk about everything that I use I only use full spectrum because that's what we were taught in school was what we need, which is you know, that's what gives you the Entourage effect all the compounds, and terpenes, and flavonoids, and cannabinoids are all working together doing their job to make it work the best it possibly can. And everything that you just said about the human industry is 10 times worse in the pet industry because it's even more unregulated. So what you get is a lot of people who went Oh wait we can make more money by just slapping a paw print on our [00:16:01] label and call and now saying that we have a pet product. The medicine like I said before even works better on pets because they have, especially dogs, have like 2 to 10 times more receptors than we do.

Ed Jones: Really?

Angela Ardolino: Yeah. So even in the skin so they have three layers of skin. They both have CB1 and CB2 receptors on their skin. So that's why I created salves because you literally can get rid of any bump, lump, tumor by just putting a salve on their skin that has a full spectrum, you know CBD in it. So it's so amazing how fast things happen. And if you're working on a dog that lets say is covered in tumors or you know has some sort of degenerative disease in its spine. It's amazing. We've had literally stories and these aren't even my stories. These are people who [00:17:01] tried it. A dog who didn't walk for four years got a full dose of our heal tinctures 1100 milligrams. So it's 37 milligrams per dropper got up and walked after four years of being paralyzed and not walking

Ed Jones: Man...

Angela Ardolino: 15 minutes later. So when I hear people like I just got an email today from somebody who says my vet says that CBD is dangerous. And she's already had two dogs die from it. You know, I hear stuff like that and I just, you know, just like, you know doctors and vets are not taught about diet and nutrition and they are certainly not taught about the endocannabinoid system. So they're not allowed to say that because they don't know. They can say I don't know or I've heard or they can educate themselves, but when I hear something like that, I just get makes me so upset. And I'm not a vet. [00:18:01] However, I've trained hundreds of vets and doctors about the endocannabinoid system and how the medicine works for free so that we could have more educated doctors and vets out there helping us in recommending it so that they know how it works and what the difference is. But there's still going to be those doctors that are going to you know hand a prescription medication over instead because they just don't know better.

Ed Jones: Well I have to say and I'm really going out there on the fringes with knowing nothing about the real facts of that case. But you know, and I know what happened probably. That dog was given CBD and died from something else and because of the freaking bias of the veterinarian he's going to blame it on that. Of course he is. Because he was also may be giving pharmaceuticals which of course in their conversation are as safe as M&Ms which is crap. Of course, it's not. But [00:19:01] Yes. So I love the fact you're going to clear the air with this. Well, let's get down to some like real nitty gritty as far as I mean animals have everything from seizures, pain, inflammation, allergy, everything that humans have, diabetes autoimmune, cancer, reflux.

Angela Ardolino: So everything it helps with humans it helps with dogs, but even better and faster. That's what's so amazing about it and it works on all animals. So if you have a bird, I mean I have ducks, chickens, pigs, bunnies. I saved my first donkey the other day or a couple of months ago. So every animal has an endocannabinoid system. Lizards, everybody. So literally having and then this is my new rule. I want to make a t-shirt that says it.Every senior animal or human being should be on a full spectrum CBD regimen because things are going to start hurting and going downhill and this is going to support it. And you're not going to feel those things. So we have three dogs [00:20:01] right now on the farm that are all turning seniors and I'm like, okay, let's start them on the ease which is our less potent, but has other essential oils in it because that's another thing that we learned is that when you learn about plant medicine, there's other wonderful plants that have amazing healing properties, as you know. And a lot of them have some of the same compounds that the cannabis plant has and what a better way to help the cannabis medicine to work better is to add other plant medicines into a cannabis tincture. So that's what I did.

Brian Strickland: Hey everyone. We're going to pause for a quick moment to tell you about our sponsor this week-- Natural Factors. For over 50 years Natural Factors has been one of America's largest natural product manufacturers and they are truly concerned with offering some of the best quality supplements available. They've got a beautiful, organic farm in British Columbia, Canada that [00:21:01] literally lets them control and secure the best quality raw materials all the way from seed selection to finished product. And Ed was actually able to visit the farm last year and was just completely blown away by their farming process, how they harvest the plants at their peak, and the individuals and scientists who work the farm. Natural Factors is the real deal and they provide some of the most exceptional natural products that we've seen yet. To learn more about their products, their farm, and manufacturing processes and read about their sustainability efforts, you can visit

Ed Jones: Well before I want to make sure before and I want to get down to some real specifics on your dosing recommendations, but so but before we even get there. Cats, I want to clear up the cat issue because that's where we get more questions than anything. Is it safe? Does it work the same on cats? Because I know that is the one creature that seems to have some sensitivities in certain [00:22:01] areas.

Angela Ardolino: Yep. We just have to think of cats is that they're a completely different animal just like a bird is. So yes, they're very sensitive to it just like bird would be or a lizard. So I wouldn't give them as much. Every animal doesn't even matter which species it is, it should be treated as an individual and things should be considered. What are they? Are there other medications? What are they eating? What are they eating? How old are they? What are they suffering from? There's so many things that you have to keep in mind. But yes, it's absolutely safe for cats. Everything that we put in our tinctures including lavender essential oil is safe for cats and the reason is what I've learned and you've probably come across this also is that just like cannabis medicine these other plants that have amazing healing properties are also considered and have a bad reputation. Because if we are going to just go out and take [00:23:01] the oils from these wonderful plants that grow naturally in the world certain big giant pharmaceutical companies can't make a whole bunch of money off of that. So they're going to continue to put that fear and bad information out there. However, there's also going to be people out there who make products that are not pure so us as consumers need to learn how to recognize how to get a certificate of analysis even if we're doing an essential oil. We're buying an essential oil that we're going to use in our family or pet. We want to make sure it is truly what it says. It is lavender, a pure lavender essential oil is not going to hurt anybody.

Ed Jones: Got you, and again being educated is the absolute key. And you are exactly right. Just because something says holistic, natural, and has the paw print it does not mean much because that's marketing, marketing, marketing. And we did a great podcast from a lady from a company called Pranarom and I rarely mentioned brand names, but Pranarom is prescription [00:24:01] in France. I just love their essential oils. There are other great companies making essential oils.

Angela Ardolino: You're going to have to send me that name. I want to know.

Ed Jones: I will. I'll send you actually send you the link to the Pranarom that we did about three months ago. Incredible because as you and I both know most people judge essential oils by how it smells. That really means little because of the quality can be destroyed so easily. I want to get down to okay if I have a dog which right now I don't but I've had 50 in my life. Let's talk about dosing. Is it by weight?

Angela Ardolino: I'm just like so just like so in the industry I'm considered a renegade now because of course those that are not passionate about it and are doing it just to make money want to be able to say yeah, it's dosage by weight. But that is completely not right. You know a dog that has cancer is going to get a lot more than a dog that's just anxious. So we [00:25:01] can't say that even when you're comparing two dogs that are anxious. I live in Florida and Summertime we get a thunderstorm at 4:00 p.m every single day and they are crazy here in Tampa where I live and I have a 50-pound Doberman and I have a nine pound Schnauzer and the nine pound Schnauzer needs two full droppers, which is 18 milligrams of our calm tincture and 20 minutes before he settles down unlike my doberman who walks over asked for it needs like a quarter of a dropper and she immediately lays down and calms down. So every dog is different. Every dog’s deficiencies in their endocannabinoid system is different so you can't do it by weight. You do it by what are they suffering from and try it and because we know it is completely safe and no person or animal has ever died from [00:26:01] taking too much THC or CBD never ever, you don't have to worry about it. So if you have one, if you're taking it for an anxious dog, then you put you know, you give them a dose you can start with a half a dropper if you'd like. We usually say between 5 & 9 milligrams of full spectrum CBD and if you get that right on their gums, so that it gets right into their bloodstream. It could take anywhere from you know immediately to 20 minutes and at 20 minutes if they're not calmed down you give them another dose. If you're using it for anxiety, I'm sorry, if you're using it for allergies or aches and pains or arthritis or anything like that. You do the same thing. You can start with a nine to twelve milligram dose and usually you can see within a couple days. And what you see is you see your dog becoming puppy like again, you see them [00:27:01] we call it the Benjamin Button where they start doing the things they start running around again. Barking at things. You know we laugh because our offices are upstairs over our garage and all of a sudden will look and one of the 15 year old dogs is upstairs with us and we're like how okay. I guess we're going upstairs now. So where they feel so good and they're not in pain or achey they start doing the things they love again and there's nothing better than that. And then if you're dealing with a dog that is really sick, a geriatric dog, a senior dog that has multiple issues or problems, you're going to want to go strong. You're going to want a stronger full spectrum. Research has shown for instance to stop seizures they did anywhere from fifty to a hundred milligrams of a full spectrum everyday to get rid of cancer [00:28:01] same type of thing. So that's when you want to go stronger. And then there's some instances where pets if they have some a very painful cancer, or disease, or suffering then we want them to get more THC. So whether we're going to go do a one-to-one equal or if we have to do more THC, so I haven't had to do I've tried more THC on my dogs, but I have always had if you if you can get a pure, full spectrum product that's high in milligrams, it's amazing. I have gotten rid of everything. I've gotten rid of softball-sized tumors, golf ball-sized hard mast cell tumors attached to the spine. Again, like I said dogs that couldn't walk get up and walk again. And basically it's just reducing the inflammation in the body and opening up [00:29:01] that communication between let's say the spinal cord and the brain and there's no more pain when you get rid of the inflammation. So you literally see your dog come back to life and when you see that, it's awesome.

Ed Jones: That is so that you know, that's so inspiring to hear you say that. And again when and this is unspoken. I know but I know you already enough to know this is not just giving that you're giving a very healthy diet to back that up. And again, you want to learn about that at least through The Holistic Navigator find that podcast about the problem with pet food by Phivo. He tells on there ton of tips on how to put together a true holistic eating plan and you'll be shocked when you hear it because he's like you. He's passionate and knows all of this now dosing is this twice a day dosing or how many times a day?

Angela Ardolino: Well I wanted to talk about what you just said. We are just like our animals and we have to so as you probably have already talked [00:30:01] about our endocannabinoid system is amazing and it hits all we have receptors all over our body, our spinal cord, and our organs everywhere and when we fix those deficiencies in our endocannabinoid system, it brings your body to homeostasis. So then we can heal but we can't heal a pet who's eating a shitty kibble diet. And there really unfortunately is no such thing as a good kibble diet. So be sure to listen to the podcast that you just said, but that's the next step we do. If we go, okay now that we have the body at stasis we have to fix the issue and just like people it's usually an adjustment in the diet and figuring out how to feed them fresh and raw. What proteins are good for them. What proteins are cool and won't cause inflammation in their body. They're just like us when it comes to that. So we've been taught again the wrong thing. Human food is [00:31:01] dog food dog food is human food. It should be species-appropriate. It should be fresh. It should be raw just like We need to thrive. So back to dosing you, it really depends on the animal. I had a 18 year old Chihuahua who I had to give her a hundred milligrams of our full spectrum every single day or she would have a grand mal seizure. She was having four a day. So I had to build up that. You know that's how cannabis medicine likes to start slow and you know go up which is a better way because then their body gets used to it and then they don't have so much of a reaction to it. But if I'm saving a dog's life, I'll go heavy. So I gave her a full dose and it wasn't enough. It reduced the amounts of seizures, but it didn't stop them. So I had to figure out what that was. So I usually like do a 30 day [00:32:01] where I figure out what that dose is, figure it out and then stick with it. So usually it takes about a week or two to figure out what it is. You know if I've got a dog covered in cancer and is a senior. I'm also probably going to start strong because I want to save its life, you know, and I'm usually taking it off a whole bunch of prescription meds. So I really try to support it and I'm drastically changing their diet. So I really have to support that also so I don't put them too much in shock when it's a really old dog with problems.

Ed Jones: Now are you putting this directly in their mouth from the eyedropper?

Angela Ardolino: Yes. Absolutely. That's the best most effective way to get it into their bloodstream and it's the most cost-effective way also. So yeah, you shake the bottle, you suck it up in the dropper, you lift their lip and just squirt it right onto their gums and it'll be absorbed right into the bloodstream. And if it goes down their throat, [00:33:01] that's fine. Also, if you give them up you can give them a treat or something fatty to eat with it so that doesn't upset their stomach. But yes, that is the best way to get it in, the fastest way and then every dog is different. It depends on the deficiencies in their endocannabinoid system, how sick they are, how off-balance they are, what they're eating to whether how fast it will react and how well they'll do on it, but they'll all do well it's just a matter of finding out what their dose is.

Ed Jones: Well and again, it comes back to observations and that is so true of humans and all animals. We don't live in a textbook. And what I need and you need may be drastically different and that's where again the downside to this cookie cutter, look on the iPad because the patient has coded for this certain disease, and we're going to give this certain amount. That has lost the art of medicine and healing. There is no art left. It's just numbers. And [00:34:01] you know again they can if I get in a car wreck or heart attack take me to the hospital do all you want to do to me, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about chronic diseases, chronic aging, things that we really can't impress and make the body function for years longer instead of suffering now and so really and truly all the advice I give to clients that I talked to about CBD it's not very much unlike what you are saying as far as pets. I do tell people I believe that you will get better results because of the absorption sites in the mouth rather than swallowing a pill but it's still the pills still going to work. Secondly is it is an observable thing. We start slowly, we work up unless the person is like completely riddled with anxiety and barely can breathe. Well, I'm not going to give them or give them the option of two weeks to figure this out. Let's start with a bigger dose. Let's see what your reaction is, your effect and then we can judge and start making better decisions based on that. [00:35:01] Now I will and I want to say before we have to end up closing here in a few minutes just by one plug. We do partner with the store website where the pet foods are being sold on there , and all the products that we are going to talk about or ever talk about you can do it under shop. And I mean we ship things with cold packs. I mean we do things that no one else does because people should realize that summer's coming on. Guess what people when you get nutritional products or pet products shipped to you in the middle of summer sitting in a warehouse they’re probably way way less in potency. Because they sat in a hot warehouse. But now I advise people to do twice a day dosing. Is that what you're telling people for pets morning and evening?

Angela Ardolino: Yeah. I mean, it's you if you can if you're able to split it up even to three doses it's better. We love micro dosing but if you're only able to do it twice, then I would do it in the a.m. and at bedtime and I would [00:36:01] do less in the a.m. and more bedtime so they sleep really well because we all know important how well sleep is. But if you can do one in the afternoon to kind of split up that dose, it just keeps it more even in their bloodstream. You could also give them a treat a pure treat not a baked treat that can kind of, you know, keep it stable throughout the day and their system also. But yeah, it's just a matter of them getting in their system and it start building up and filling those holes and then they'll just get better and better and better.

Ed Jones: That you know, this is very inspiring because again, this is part of the conversation that I have not had as far as the pets and we talked a lot of people that you know are kind of going down that same road that you did I did which is it's like the only game in town is the vet and we're going to listen to what they say because they went to school and they got the degrees. Well if again if the pet has a broken [00:37:01] leg, yes, they're great at doing acute emergency situations, but they simply are lacking in the toolbox as far as advice and they also have been forced to have a bias against holistic functional medicine, healing, nutrition. It's really ingrained in them not to accept this because of where they came from. So again..

Angela Ardolino: You don't and it's even worse than doctors. You know, I have been invited to speak at several Veterinary Schools, big ones and you should see the hallways they are plastered with Hill's Science Diet, and Purina, and Royal Canin which are the worst ones out there. And those are the companies that start brainwashing the vet students, give them discounts on it. So because they don't know about food and diet. So it's easy for them to go. Oh here this one's based on science go by this and they get to make money off of it also. They don't even know about it. Also, keep in mind [00:38:01] when we go see a doctor and they go okay. Something's wrong with your head. Go see this neurologist. That doesn't exist the vet world. We have one vet that's supposed to know everything about everything and they don't so we go to them and go. Okay. Here's a dog had all these problems. What do I do? Well, they don't know about diet and nutrition and they don't know about the endocannabinoid system. So the only thing they have to turn to our prescription meds because that's all they were taught unless you find and you're lucky enough and I have lots of friends now a holistic vet. So I always suggest a holistic holistic or an integrative vet who you know is very open-minded. Also keep in mind that things like acupuncture and chiropractic also work amazing on animals just like they do for us. And the best part about having a full spectrum CBD product on hand is that it's my number one tool at my farm and shop because if anybody is anxious or nervous or [00:39:01] in pain, I'm going to give it to him. I mean, I can't even look at a dog anymore. I can look at them until they're in pain. I immediately just go get the bottle and give it to him. aAd I literally look at them. Look at me like oh my gosh. Thanks lady. They call me Dog Jesus at my shop because I just walk around and they all are like, oh my God these dogs love you and I'm like, yeah, I know what they're saying and I'm the only one who just gave them something that made him go what is happening? I feel great. But I guess I'd say about 80% of the dogs that come into my shop have terrible issues and its most of them are from allergies, bad diet, you know toxins in the air, over vaccination, overmedicating, this flea and tick all of these things are so toxic to them. And the older the dog gets they're not supposed to get vaccinated past the first year of life just like us. [00:40:01] But yet my dog was vaccinated every single year of her life seven years of six years of her life, which killed her. Yeah, well 10 pounds and and they don't they don't the German Shepherd gets the same vaccination as a little dog does.I know I know he killed my dog because I just overloaded her whole system with toxic prescription meds, vaccinations, flea and tick, all of that is so toxic and hard on them. And you know now I know better and all I do is tell as many people as I possibly can and educate them and give them the power to keep their dog healthy naturally.

Ed Joens: Well, you just said the exact proper words and that's my passion. Let's empower people because it's not our job or not my job to go preach or to try to twist someone's arms. We are here to educate because the knowledge is [00:41:01] present. We now have a system, thank goodness for technology, that people can learn through things like podcasts where they can actually you know, know what to do next. And I love the fact you called yourself a renegade. I certainly am right there with you my friend and it's I won't have it any other way, even though there's challenges to be had with being a renegade. There's no doubt, but I wanted to kind of summarize real quickly because we got to end. I know that again full spectrum is the key you have to have full spectrum CBD talk to the people you trust. Know that they know before you really do anything. Secondly, dosing. You've covered it very well. Dosing is going to be a lot of observations of results and that's the same with people too. And then lastly know people that just like Angela saying CBD is literally one of the safest products that can be given. Now I will have to say if a person is on a lot of prescription [00:42:01] meds. It needs to be checked out. They are going to alter the way that the drug may process through the liver through a p450 system. But as a molecule is one of the safest that there is on Earth because we already have a need for it because of receptor sites and that changes the game significantly. Is there any last points or tips that you would like to leave the listeners with Angela before we go?

Angela Ardolino: Yeah, we have to remember that. This is an unread unregulated market and so picking a product is so difficult, especially for your pet because there's so much bad stuff out there. So making sure to realize that there's different strains that not all products are created the same. So I can't tell you how many times will have people say I tried it and it didn't do anything. Well, that's most likely because you got an isolate or you got a product that had no CBD in it at all. So the best way to figure that out is of course to check the certificate of analysis to make sure it [00:43:01] has a full spectrum, has all the cannabinoids and terpenes and all the things in there that make the medicine work and that it also doesn't have things like solvents, or herbicides, or pesticides, in it. So that certificate of analysis is what you want to check on it. And if anybody really I offer consultations if anybody is interested in going that route with their pet. You can go to my website, which is Our line of products is called and they can sign up there. We answer the phone. Us people were all trained, we have trained all my staff personally and we every time we've got a good program that pops up. Dr. Richter who's been using medical cannabis for about four years now has a program that we've all gone through and worked with him. So between [00:44:01] myself and the other experts out there. We have a pretty good record at healing animals naturally with just diet, exercise and full-spectrum products.

Ed Jones: You know what that gives so much hope to so many who are struggling because often you get into that spiraling if you're locked into the medical system, but yet you observe that your pet or loved one or human loved one continues to get basically worse and worse regardless of what you're doing. And that's a very difficult place to be. There is hope, people. The body wants to be well, but we have to look at a different game plan in order to assist that. And please anyone who feels that they want to be further educated. Yeah, go to Angela's website. She is obviously as we all can hear extremely knowledgeable, extremely experienced, extremely passionate. So Angela, thank you. So freaking much for joining The Holistic Navigator.

Angela Ardolino: Thank you so much for having me. I enjoyed it and let me know [00:45:01] I'll come back later. If you know, it's funny things come up in the news and I'm always here if you ever wonder or have questions.

Ed Jones: That's awesome. You know, I bet you within 6 months you will be back on here with a whole new set of information for us. Well again, I want to thank everyone for listening to the Holistic Navigator. I continue to probably repeat this far too often. I separate the world into two classes of people: Learners and non Learners. You're going to be really at risk in this life, if you don't join the club of learning and if you're listening to this, you are a learner, so congratulations. And look forward to it as always next week's podcast and keep us in mind if you have questions email us. If you have a certain interest or whatever, please contact us and we will look forward to more and more exciting ways to keep you super healthy and also revive your health if you're struggling. Thank you. This is Ed with The Holistic Navigator.

Brian Strickland: The information on this podcast in the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or any one of the medical profession and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The Holistic Navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or listener of these materials. The Holistic Navigator is not a doctor or doesn't claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.