Exploring German New Medicine with Dr. Melissa Sell


German New Medicine (GNM) was discovered by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. After experiencing the death of his son, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer after being healthy all his life. Suspicious of this coincidence, he began to research histories of other cancer patients to see if they too had experienced some kind of trauma or shock. He found that disease is brought about by traumatic events and disease to be a normal biological response.

Meet Melissa:

On this week’s episode we speak with Dr. Melissa Sell, a chiropractor and GNM educator in California. She’s passionate about helping people resolve fear and mental dilemmas surrounding disease. Dr. Sell explains some of the basics of GNM, the role it’s played in her own life, and how it can benefit you.

Some Topics We Discussed:

  • What is German New Medicine? (5:18)

  • What is the triggering process that starts these traumatic events? (12:09)

  • What is the best analogy for explaining how German New Medicine works (16:31)

  • Where can someone go to learn more about German New Medicine? (21:23)

  • What are some signs you’re in conflict activity? (27:25)

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Every adaptation is serving a biological function, it's not an error. It's not a screw up of the body, it's serving a purpose. (10:55)

  • German New Medicine requires a different perspective on disease that is much more environmental, mental, and not just physical. (18:39)

  • You need to become aware of your mental state, your emotional state, what shifted at that time that you had the conflict about your worldview. (23:27)

  • German New Medicine is not a modality. It is a recognition of biological laws of nature and when you tune into those laws, you can draw logical conclusions about what to do next. (30:19)

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Brian Strickland 00:43 Hello friends, you're listening to The Holistic Navigator Podcast, where we believe in the body's ability to heal itself, if given the proper nutrients and care. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer of the show. And we have a very special episode lined up for you today. We're speaking with Dr. Melissa Sell who's a chiropractor in California about German New Medicine or GNM. You might not have heard about GNM before, but it's a unique approach to understanding the correlation of the mind and disease. I'll leave it to the expert to explain further. But before we do, please let me introduce the host of your show, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones 01:24 Welcome everyone to The Holistic Navigator, again for another exciting podcast. And I will assure you today is going to be one of a kind. I've looked forward to this ever since I found this expert on a subject that has been near and dear to my heart. I will assure every single listener with almost total confidence that you have never heard of what we are going to speak about today. It is something called German New Medicine. And it was discovered by Dr. Hamer in Germany, I believe we're going to have a expert, Dr. Melissa Sell with us in a second. And she's going to explain this concept of health that is radically different. Now, I will warn everyone, you've got to take your blinders off. Because you have to be open minded to actually be willing to receive this information. I don't know where I was born with the gene, that I have a completely open view of everything at first, until I feel it, resonate with it, test it, observe it and then I dispose of it. And in today's academic world is totally the opposite. They have to have validation and tons of studies and complete almost guarantee that something is going to process in the right way or they don't embrace it. Well, I think I have been blessed to have the opposite. And almost will say that this is similar to if right now everyone someone came to you and said the earth really is flat, even though we've been told is round. That's kind of the way that you're going to have to embrace this on German New Medicine. And what happened for me the opening was in the year 2009. So that was 10 years ago, I had spent at that point 31 years, observing and talking and dealing with clients about their health, and certainly not in the conventional way. Because if you've listened to my other podcasts, you know that I take a completely different philosophy about healing, that the body has the ability to heal itself, if we give it what it needs and take away what's hurting it are toxic to it. And the deal was at 31 years into this business, I could predict with pretty good certainty when I got to hear the stories of people about what they ate, what their life was like, what they had gone through maybe their genetics. And when I put the whole package together, you know what I was pretty darn good. I could say to myself, I think this person is going to have you know, relatively disease free or at least nothing significant. They're going to probably live to be the at least average age and be relatively healthy. Or I could say the opposite if I knew that they were doing something very destructive. But the problem was, I was only in my mind about 80% accurate. There was that 20% of people who threw the wrench into every single concept and logic that I ever had learned. And the reason is because there are things that create dysfunction in the body that have very little to do with the rules of the world of the medical world or the nutritional world. And German New Medicine opened up this whole new avenue for me, and I'll be honest, I personally did it because I was having some issues myself that were not resolved with everything that I knew. It didn't matter what I did. It was continuing to worsen. So today, we've got a great person, she's on the other side of the country. So I've had my lunch and she just had her breakfast. But welcome Dr. Melissa Sell to The Holistic Navigator.

Melissa Sell 05:10 Thank you so much for having me, Ed.

Ed Jones 05:13 I told you a little bit of go that you're the first person in probably eight years that I've been able to have a conversation about German New Medicine, and the biggest bullet point and I'm gonna let you do most of the talking, of course. This while you're on here, but it really boils down to a couple real key concepts. One is disease is really not a mistake in our body. And when we understand these new principles that Dr. Hammer discovered, we can lose our fear of getting disease is that is that kind of a good bullet point to start with?

Melissa Sell 05:50 I would say those are the perfect bullet points to start with, as well as the you know, the free story that you gave about those outliers about the people who eat healthy, who by every standard, every measure of what you thought would allow a person to be healthy, and you know, disease free. And yet these people occasionally we'll develop disease, they were what we consider disease, cancers, people who you thought were the healthiest. And I know so I was, I'm a chiropractor. And I worked in, you know, traditional kind of total health type setting with nutrition and exercise and detox pretty much everything you talk about on your podcast, that is what I specialized in and loved it. But you know, every so often this would happen, and it kind of would shake my faith, shake my understanding and confidence of like, gosh, I really thought that person was doing everything right. And for me again, it wasn't until I discovered German New Medicine or GMN and the five biological laws that everything started to make so much sense. And like you said, instead of looking at disease, you know what we consider disease as a problem, as an error, as a mistake, it's actually a functional biological program, that the body knows exactly what it's doing. And it's responding to the unique subjective perception of the individual. So I'm not sure where you want me to start. But yeah, those are the perfect bullet points to open with.

Ed Jones 07:26 Well, and also the other side to that is the people who we did not predict that became ill, but also the opposite. The ones who were who were embracing every single healing mechanism that we personally could adhere to believe in and help them with many times, they just continued to worsen for no significant common sense reasons, or even if they were involved in conventional medicine, they were completely going the wrong direction and never changed until they passed away. But let's start with perhaps the maybe quick story of how Dr. Hammer and how when his son passed away how all this started this process, at least with his thinking.

Melissa Sell 08:10 Yes, so Dr. Hamer is just a traditional medical doctor. And I think it was 1979. And his he had a tragedy in his family, and his son, his 17 year old son was shot and, you know, held on to life for three months and then passed away. And a few months after the loss of his son, Dr. Hammer developed testicular cancer. And he, you know, just knowing himself, his personal history, no history of cancer in his family, he started asking questions as any person who's paying attention, like there's got to be a reason for this. And having had the tragedy in his family that he had, he suspected that there was a connection there. And you know, that's not unusual that psychosomatic illness has been studied and talked about for a very long time and other you know, health professionals and people are talking about the connection between the mind and the body. And that stress, you know, the idea before or you know, before Dr. Hamer's, five biological laws, we thought, oh, you know, stress lowers the immune system, and then the body becomes susceptible to DNA damage and, you know, genes that are mutated and that allows it to take over because the body has been stressed. But what he found, he started asking questions, he started studying people. He worked as in a gynecological oncology medical facility and he started interviewing patients and finding out did you have some type of trauma, some type of, you know, something extremely shocking that happened in your life prior to your diagnosis. And he began to see patterns and beyond even just stress and then disease development, he saw very specific. So why does one person develop testicular cancer and another colon cancer and another lung cancer is there. Is it truly just a random thing? Or is there something specific going on? And he went on to study extensively, the human body and embryology, and the different germ layers of the body. And he developed and observed five consistent biological laws of the human body and how tissue adaptations occur. And now there's an entire mapping entire, you know, I kind of consider it like the Rosetta Stone of the body, where you can look at a symptom that a person is expressing, and based on the symptom, you know, the biological, emotional shock that that person had, and you can decode and work backwards. And it truly everything every adaptation is serving a biological function, it's not an error. It's not a screw up of the body, it's serving a purpose.

Ed Jones 11:03 I love that. And the fact that you say, it serves a biological function. And once I learned more about German New Medicine, I started, like, the aches and the pains and maybe the inflammatory areas of the body, or even fever or some other sicknesses, instead of me fearing it, I actually embraced it. Because this new concept is saying that that is what the body needs in order to actually go into this healing mechanism that we want. We actually want those things to happen. And now it's not like super simple, I will certainly have to admit, but the thing is the concept and I'm like, I'm certainly not Dr. Hamer or yourself, but I am a real detective with people, because so many people over my 41 year career have shared their deepest life stories about their health. And I'm one who asks a lot of questions. And I will usually see that pattern of some trauma and some very anxious moment of something that just happened out of the clear blue that was unexpected. So maybe let's touch on that a lot of this triggering process, it comes from something we don't expect this traumatic, is that the best words for it?

Melissa Sell 12:20 Absolutely, yes, because our body is programmed for survival. Survival is number one, in as far as the hierarchy goes at all times, your body is waiting for signals from you about how safe your environment is. And if something happens that catches you off guard, I mean, people are familiar with fight or flight. You know, when you are driving down the highway and you think you see a police car, and you think you've been going too fast. And all of a sudden, you're fully aware that you're in fight or flight mode, you know, your heartbeat is racing and your palms are getting sweaty. And there's this cascade of events, you know, and obviously, getting pulled over isn't a life or death threatening situation. But your body goes through that shock, that fight or flight process regardless. And so when we are caught off guard by something in our environment, something that shocks us, something that scares us, something that upsets us in some way, our body has these embedded programs to help us to process that shocking situation and return to homeostasis. And so there's a very specific adaptation process based upon the unique situation that you happen to be in. And you know, at first I'm like, oh, my gosh, you know, I know that the body is intelligent, but learning the five biological laws and this intent, like you said, this is not a there's a lot to understanding German New Medicine and the intricacies of these biological programs that your body actually has a very specific understanding of events in your life. So very specific shocks initiate different tissue adaptations. And so these significant biological programs are they are programmed into your nervous system, your DNA, every single cell, it knows if a person has a for example, a death bright conflict. So let's say something shocking, a tragedy and accident and all of a sudden you are you know, a diagnosis actually is a great example of a death right conflict where all of a sudden you are fearing for your life. Your body interprets a death right conflict, a specific type of biological conflict shock as needing additional alveoli cells, so additional lung cells so that you can bring more oxygen into your bloodstream so that you can survive this shocking life threatening situation. And so your body literally will proliferate extra cells inside of the lung while you are experiencing a death right conflict. And it alls your body also has a biological process for when that conflict is over how to remove the body has a plan for removing the cells that were added during the conflict active phase. And so that's just one brief example of the specificity of the body when it comes to certain shocking situations and specific tissue adaptations.

Ed Jones 15:38 I love that and I love the word you said the body is embedded with the type of programming and I don't know if at this point listeners can still really connect the theory of this. But I love the analogy that I usually use when I explain German New Medicine to the few people who I feel are open to this is that of breast cancer for women, and how it filters back to, you know, the primal stage of what can a mother do if her child is in danger? Or has been injured or is really struggling? And I want you to explain that, because that makes such good sense that I don't know how anyone who has common wisdom could could at least not acknowledge that there is something to this?

Melissa Sell 16:30 Yes, absolutely. That is one of the best examples is if a mother is scared for the life of her child, let's say, you know the child was injured and is you know, having a procedure done to save its life, the mother is deathly afraid for the life and the survival of her child. Biologically, the nourishment of that child, you know, again, think back to when these biological programs developed, you know, you didn't just have the, you know, emergency room on every corner or the ability to, you know, purchase things to help the child. Here you are out in the wilderness, imagine, with your injured child, the biological program is to proliferate additional breast gland cells to produce nourishment to provide fluid, breast milk for the child that is in, you know, let's say your child is bleeding, they need to be rehydrated. Let's say you're in an area where there's no possibility for that the body has this embedded program to proliferate additional breast gland cells. And so that is a type of what we call breast cancer within the the glandular tissue of the breast. It happens in response to what Dr. Hamer called a nest worry conflict. So this is some type of worry for someone near and dear to you some type of concern within your nest, within your home. And so that is, again, when you're looking at this, your perspective starts to shift it goes, oh, you know, so this, this, what we're calling cancer, this edition of cells, it's not erroneous, it's not malicious in nature. It's not malignant in nature, it's functional in nature. And so this is where it really does, like you said, you've really got to be open to looking at the body from this very functional perspective, that there's got to be a reason. There's a reason that certain changes happen. And when you start to piece this all together, it really does start to become more and more clear that your body is doing something purposefully.

Ed Jones 18:38 But clarify this, the difficulty is when we get stuck, and we don't have these concepts. And we kind of we can end up being taken down by disease, because we're not resolving the traumatic messages that are going to this embedded wiring within us. And that's where German New Medicine comes in. Because if you understand, or at least this is my take on it. Just the understanding itself, of this process can sometimes be enough to alleviate and allow the precession of this whole functional healing program to follow through. And then those cells that were over multiplying because of a specific reason, it wasn't because of cigarette smoke. Now that we have bad things that do terrible damage to our body. But many times we just so categorized like all people who smoke are going to get cancer. No, they don't. We know people, plenty of people who smoke don't get cancer. Why are the ones who are getting it getting it? Is it just because of cigarette smoke, or maybe there's more to it than that. Maybe this reproduction of the lung cells happened because they had a trauma that was unresolved. I mean, here I am rambling on with you. But the thing is when I really internalize this concept back in 2009, in my training in New York, it brought me a lot of peace of mind because all of a sudden, this new concept is not that there's this parasitic enemy that came down from the clouds, and I somehow ingested it, and is growing inside of me. And all I can do is reach out for a lot of terrible nerve gas chemicals to destroy it, or maybe will radiate it with a small atomic bomb. And then we might be okay. No, you know, I don't really worry about those things anywhere near like I used to, because of German New Medicine. Now, I agree that there's nothing that always is 100%. And this is a very, very, not uncertain journey. But it's one that is not very familiar to people. But I think when you combine German new medicine with good health wisdom, I think it gives us the best chance for long term health, especially with peace of mind to be attached to that, instead of walking around, fearing that we are our tumor machines, that any moment, you know, we're just going to get the lump and bump in the diagnosis. So if nothing else, it gives peace of mind. But I just love the fact that you are so well educated and familiar with this. And we're and we're not ending it yet. But for like a person listening right now, if they want to learn more about German New Medicine, and perhaps you go ahead and tell them a couple tips on that, and then we'll continue the conversation in case we don't want them to not get this information if they only have limited time.

Melissa Sell 21:38 The best place to start is my YouTube channel. I have created a lot of tutorials, visuals to walk you through the biological laws, and some specific adaptations. So specifically about breast cancer, specifically about connective tissues, if you're having musculoskeletal pain, the biological root cause conflict. So my youtube channel just like up Dr. Melissa Sell, or you can look up German New Medicine 101 on YouTube, and that'll be the first video that comes up, I also do consultations with people, if you are interested in just learning even a little bit more, I do a free 15 minute info call to see if this approach is right for you. You can check that out at drmelissasell.com. I also have online programs that basically take you through mindset shifts and new ways of framing, lifelong conflicts that people have. A lot of the conflicts like you said, you know, the issue is and if it happens one time. You know, we can have a momentary conflict and get over it. And a lot of times not even know maybe just have a few minor symptoms. And you may not even know that you experienced a death right conflict, you know, you get a little cough, you think nothing of it. But the problem does happen when you are living through the lens, where a shock or a trauma has shifted your worldview, your perception, your self concept in such a way that you are living in a state of perpetual conflict. And when you're in conflict for an excessive period of time, that's when issues become chronic. That's when the you know, a lot of symptoms start to arise where you get in these, you know, these these vicious cycles, something like fibromyalgia, where you are just you know, you're constantly relapsing back into conflict. And so you need to become aware of your mental state, your emotional state, what shifted at that time that you had the conflict about your worldview. And so this this work, it's so interesting, and it's so very nuanced, because, again, the body is very specific in the way that it's interpreting what you've got going on. So I do have some online programs that that basically will take apart help you to deconstruct something like a self devaluation conflict or the conflict associated with, you know, the thyroid feeling too slow or feeling powerless. And so it's such interesting and fascinating work, when you really start to dive into why am I having this recurring issue? It's got to do with something operate in your in your mental and emotional operating system.

Ed Jones 24:13 I love that because the thing is, and we we talk about the word conflict. I mean, life is chaotic. And we're all involved in some kind of at least small amounts of conflict on a regular basis. And I think some people may frame that, as it's just a heavy load of stress. That's not what we're really speaking about. We're talking about somewhat of a of a actual shifting point where there was a real origination of a shift that you almost have to go back and be a detective and see that oh, my mother really was harsh to me and was you know, did this in not that she was evil, but she didn't realize that the damage she did to me by the way that she, she treated me on this birthday when I was 12 years old. Now, I'm not talking about doing counseling, where you're going back rehashing everything. This is actually going back to try to open the door to a specific event that then set the process in motion. And a lot of people like you say, with pain, chronic pain, everything from fibromyalgia, I mean, we can talk all the way down the list from Lyme disease to you name it. In fact, I've got a chart in my office. I'm so devoted to German New Medicine and you've seen this chart, I'm sure Dr. Sell. I mean, it's about five, four feet wide and about, I think six feet tall, maybe seven takes up my entire wall. And what it is, is when a person has a certain diagnoseable, let's say kidney or hypothyroidism, or anything, I can go in this chart, and look into what was the conflict that most likely originated this source of issue within the physical body. And it's so like you said, so interesting, because there's such a pattern. This is not Voodoo stuff. It is Dr. Hamer deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for what he did. And also what he endured in his life. He again was one of the gladiators who because he spoke the truth in in the conventional world was run through the rails from top to bottom and kicked out of this and that and imprisoned and, but he hung tight to his core belief. And I know he's passed away now. But he was a true hero in this whole world that without him, we wouldn't have these concepts. So I'm very very, so thankful for that the fact that he actually had his problem, because without his testicular cancer, he wouldn't have connected this whole theory. But and when I say conflict, I'll maybe explain that you could explain that better, we can talk about you explain what you mean by conflict, because they can make in range from a very wide variety of stories, maybe even give a patient story of something that you've gone through with a patient and where you dug back deeper, and they were like, oh, I remember something that happened to me, and it could have been maybe six months ago, or it could have been 16 years ago, it doesn't have to be recent or far behind.

Melissa Sell 27:25 Yes, there's a video on my YouTube channel an interview with a woman who she tragically lost her father in a car accident. And she, you know, was very, obviously very upset about the loss for many, many months. And when she finally you know, she started realizing, you know, she had some awareness of German New Medicine at the time, and she, she started realizing I need to, I need to get over this, in the sense of, like, I need to make peace with the loss and regret, you know, because she wasn't sleeping at night. And that's actually one of the signs that you're in conflict activity, if you're having trouble sleeping, if your hands are cold, if you're preoccupied at night with the conflict, and that is indicating that your body and that's the reason actually that you can't sleep your body is trying to you know, keeps you awake, so that you can resolve the conflict. Your body wants you to get to that state of peace, that state of you know, relaxation, so that you can stop the adaptive process and move into the reconstruction phase. And so she was very upset about this loss for several months. And you know, finally went through a process of you know, I think specifically there and there's many different paths to conflict resolution. A lot of times it will happen, just naturally, you know, certain amount of time has passed, you've shifted your perspective, sometimes you'll go through kind of a, you know, a prayer or a healing some type of relief, she did some some rebirthing sessions. And you know, she released this conflict and she was finally able to sleep and you know, she noticed the physical shift. And a couple of weeks later, she noticed a lump in her breast, which is consistent with a separation conflict, the loss having someone torn from your breast. This is different than the type of lump that we talked about before with the glandular. So again, it's it gets very specific down to the type of conflict that you have, the tissue that's involved, whether a lump forms during the conflict or after. All of this is mapped out and Dr. Hamer's work. So yeah, so after this loss, she found a, you know, a lump in her breast. And the wonderful thing was that she knew about GNM. She knew that this is a normal biological process. She knew that she was in mourning for a very long time over the shocking separation from her father. And so she was, you know, a rare case of a person who was able to see this in this light beforehand. You know, most people who I consult with have already, you know, gone through everything are in the process of going through it, not having the the freedom from fear that GNM brings. And so there's a whole kind of process of going through and really accepting that this is the way that the body's functions. And again, that's the great thing about German New Medicine is, you know, in and of itself, it's not, you know, it's not a modality. It's not something that you use, you don't use German New medicine, German medicine, it's a recognition of biological laws of nature. And it's when you tune yourself to these laws, you can draw logical conclusions about what makes sense to do based off of what's happening biologically, you know, this, making this shift making this emotional release, resolving the conflict takes so many, there are many different, like I said, path to resolution. But it's you going from, oh, my goodness, I can't sleep, I'm just perpetually thinking about this problem, too I've made peace with it. I am relaxed, and then and then your body sets to work, restoring you to a state of homeostasis, and you go through a very specific the second biological law maps out the very specific process that the body goes through to return to homeostasis, so that you can begin to understand every stage of the healing process.

Ed Jones 31:27 Well, and I think we may need to make sure that listeners know that, you know, just resolving or coming to terms with the conflict, you're not done at that point. Because then the body has to create some other mechanisms that are going on. And you actually could in a conventional world be told that you're getting worse, and we better be more aggressive, just like the story of the lady who just spoke of. If the she went to the wrong people at that stage, and she had the the lump on her breast and they said, you could be dying in a year. Well, there's a new conflict that just hit that then again, could create lung cancer, because that is a connection between that kind of conflict, which is a death type of conflict. Many times it focuses on the lung. Well, it wasn't because something moved from point A to point B, it was because we have a new conflict, and it wasn't resolved. And again, if this is not stress management people. It is resolution is different than lowering your stress level. And and I think you were talking about the people not sleeping at night. It's not always obvious. That's why people like yourself, it's when I consulted with the first person that I consulted with the very first person in German new medicine, I was completely oblivious to about two or three previous occurrences in my life that had that had been the programming the embedded wiring, that was creating this health issue that I had, that I could not get over. And without the consultation, I don't think I would have ever had the light go off, that did go off. I needed that other person to be the detective to help me journey through this dark forest. And with you, again, if you want go ahead and tell people if they're in a place right now and they look into German New Medicine, and they're very interested and want to pursue this, you can consult with them over the phone or on Skype through again, give your website and how they could do this.

Melissa Sell 33:35 Yes, if it resonates with you, if this is making sense to you, definitely if you want a second and someone helping you that detective work, like you said, Ed is so important because, you know, drawing these these connections is it's very, you know, it's a it's a fun investigation of your entire life. And that's what I call this session is a life history investigation, so that we can do this detective work and find the root cause what happened? What shifted this perception? What's causing this to stay around? Why is this not resolving? And yes, my website is drmelissasell.com and you know, setting up that 15 minute info call is a great way just so we can connect and see if we are a good fit for working together. And yeah, I think that if again, that resonation if they're like, Oh, you know what I do suspect that this has an emotional root cause and if this starts to make sense to you, this is a very rewarding journey because it really does free you from fear and that's my favorite thing about talking with people about the five biological laws is just that sigh of relief of that your body's not attacking you. Your body is not screwing up on you. Your body is not breaking down. It's just your body speaks a different language. And when you learn that language and you get into rapport in this understanding, you become free from fear. You become very curious intensely Killeen on ever since I've learned you too, I get so interested. Anytime I have any type of health symptom, I'm almost weirdly excited. It's like, oh, I had a conflict, I can tell people about it, about what happened.

Ed Jones 35:21 I love that. And I'm the same way almost now I will go. And I think our country has been eat up with paranoid fear based information. Of course we have because it's trying to sell a product. And again, to say very quickly, German New Medicine sells no products. They don't have anything in a bottle that you're going to purchase. It is about the concepts and learning the concepts. And no one has to go to anyone to learn this, like do it a lot on your own website. But the fact that can you imagine how much happier and more contented and joyful people can be in this country, if they could just reduce significantly the fear of disease, because we are people are have panic constantly. And the amount of people have to take valium and even go to the doctor for fear of a bad piece of news, or even when the phone's going to ring and you're waiting for the doctor call. There's almost nothing that equals that. And we shouldn't be living in that in that hell state because it doesn't have to be. And understanding German New Medicine is a just a wondrous gift to humanity. And, and I'm just thankful that I ran across you. I ran across you through Dr. Kelly Brogan's site who is one of my heroes. Also, she's a psychiatrist who speaks one of the wisest languages I have ever ran across as far as depression, anxiety and, and especially women's issues. So Kelly Brogan MD is, is the site to go to. And if there's any anything else you'd like to leave the listeners with Dr. Sell?

Melissa Sell 36:55 Just like you said that freedom from fear. When you begin to understand this, you become free, you know, with your children and their health, with your own health, you things start to make sense and that freedom from fear, that peace of mind, that being able to sleep. It really it's all about that relaxation. Because when you are relaxed, and when you are calm and fear free, your body is in a state of homeostasis. And that's what we are seeking to create is that that balanced state where all as well. And that's what these laws can help you to really, really understand about your health that all can be well, when you dig deep and figure out what is causing the these recurring cycles of conflict to occur in your life.

Ed Jones 37:42 Lovely, lovely, how eloquent and thank you so much Dr. Sell for joining The Holistic Navigator, I know this will be helping many people. And so I'm sure we will cross paths again, down the road. And I do want to say to listeners, you know, if you've heard me before, you know I have a huge type of personal commitment to the foods we eat the nutrients, we take the exercise we do. This German New Medicine doesn't change any of that, because those things are still valuable, they're going to make you look better, feel better, probably live longer and be more productive. So but this is a different concept that is focused on specifically like diseases. And it's just something that we need to add to this toolbox. And as far as German New Medicine I love the poet Rumi and it kind of resonates with German New Medicine slightly. One of the things he said was let the cure for the pain be in the pain itself. And there's something about that, that kind of twist around to German New Medicine. And then lastly is the saying that sometimes on German New Medicine sites they will say which are we are only as sick as our secrets. And that hit me hard when I read that a few years ago. Well everyone thank you for joining us with The Holistic Navigator please hit subscribe if you haven't, that is the fuel that allows us to continue on. We have been in and out of the top 200 of iTunes. So we're very pleased at that in the health arena. So thank you for that please send questions in and and wish you all the best of your day, your week, your life and I hope that we are helping you in many of those areas. Thank you.

Brian Strickland 39:27 The information on this podcast and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or anyone of the medical profession and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The holistic navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The holistic navigator is not a doctor nor does it claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.


“Instead of looking at disease, you know what we consider as a problem, as an error, as a mistake, it’s actually a functional biological program and the body knows exactly what it’s doing. It’s responding to the unique, subjective perception of the individual.”


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