Who is the Holistic Navigator and How to Guard Against the Flu


Welcome to the Holistic Navigator Podcast, where we believe the body has the ability to heal itself, if given the proper nutrients and care.

Hosted by holistic health expert, Ed Jones, we’ll look with discernment at ways to naturally heal the body. Ed has been in the holistic health industry for over forty years and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge. A chance encounter with a Shakley Vitamin sales rep at an early age ignited a passion that would span a lifetime. The Holistic Navigator features interviews with natural health leaders including brand owners, national educators, authors, practitioners, and more, all dedicated to making you a healthier and happier individual.

Some Topics We Discussed: 

  • Who is Ed Jones and why does The Holistic Navigator Podcast exist? (0:52)

  • What are some of the things that have led to the demise of our health as a nation? (3:58)

  • Why is the flu made out to be so deadly? (7:33)

  • What are some holistic approaches to dealing with the flu? (17:12)

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • We are drowning in information. So it's about filtering it about finding where the golden nuggets of truth are, because so much of the information today is polished with greed, and selling something under the guise of being honest. (2:37)

  • Plan ahead for getting sick and have your nutrients already in your house so that the second you start feeling ill, you can start taking them. (21:19)

Products & Resources: 


Brian Strickland 00:40 Hi, everyone, and welcome to the very first episode of the Holistic Navigator podcast. I'm the producer of the show, Brian Strickland. And here's your host, Ed Jones.

Ed Jones 00:52 Welcome to the holistic navigator podcast. I'm Ed Jones, your host, and you are in for a treat, if you're a person who cares about their health, the health of their family, and tends to distrust the mainstream ideas, treatments and options that many times that we are given. So who am I I'm Ed Jones, and I was born in 1957. And early on about 11 years old, I vitamin salesman, actually from the Shaklee company had came to our house on an appointment basis, my dad had somehow had been pressured or was interested. And I remember intently listening to this salesman, and she was a lady discussed the fact that there are certain things in our body called vitamins and minerals that help prevent disease, help to sustain energy, slow aging, this was a 1966 probably. And there was something that sparked in me at that moment that has resided in my brain since that day. And it has created a career and a passion that I am very, very thankful for. And I want to give honest information and education as to what you can utilize in your life on a daily basis to not condemn your health, as many people do. And many people are just being condemned to poor health, not because of lack of information. Good God, we have more information than has ever been available in the history of mankind. We are drowning in information. So it's about filtering it about finding where is the golden nuggets of truth, because so much of the information today is polished with greed, and selling something under the guise of being honest. And you know, in the old days, it was far easier to pick up on the used car, dishonest type of people because they weren't as slick. And in the technology world that we have. You can hire people that are masters at convincing us that we need something producing fear where there does not need to be so much and also creating an image that these people care and that they're honest and ethical. So having someone who is like the gatekeeper, that detective I guess is what I would say is what we are what I am. And I'm going to talk about every kind of aspect, topic, question, anything that involves our health, our longevity or aging, our sports performance, our emotions, our sleep, there's not a word out there that we will not discuss because I've done it all for 40 years. I'm not a nut. I'm not on the fringes, but I am one who has spent 40 years researching, living, practicing helping others and having a business in the area of holistic, functional, integrative nutrition. What does that mean? What it really means to me is looking at some of the really harsh data that's out there that talks about how Americans are less healthy and die sooner than people in other developed nations. Despite spending twice the amount of per capita on health care the United States ranks last and mortality analysis of the 17 developed nations who would think that, you know, we all walk around here with an idea that we've got it all figured out. Even with all the chaotic disasters that we observe, we think we are ahead of the game. But yet many of the other countries of the world who are way less developed than we are, are living longer, less medical expenses. They're turning 60s 70s and 80s. Like our great grand parents used to do, which was more stable, more stamina, less doctor visits, they did not feel as depressed and anxious, they function until they got to a certain age. And as all things wear out eventually, but that was at the end of their life, they didn't spend 15 to 25 years being half dead, with one leg in the grave, or if not, they simply did not have the enthusiasm, stamina or energy to embrace life any longer. And so I have observed 10s of 1000s of people who have attempted, and many times successfully, to counter this disastrous story. And you know, when you're 20, and 30, imagining being 60 is really almost nonsense, because it seems like such a lifetime ahead that people figure out that or they think that everything will be fine, they will find the cure for every disease. I remember being 15 years old, and thinking I don't need to worry about cancer and most of the diseases because I know that the medical field is working feverishly to discover cures. Well, all I can tell you from my personal standpoint, at being 61 years old, and living a life of observing health in my entire life, I think the only cure that has come up is the hepatitis treatment. Other than that, for chronic diseases, nothing has truly changed. And because we diagnose many things earlier, they can change the numbers somewhat. And yes, they are more exact about certain things like the doses of drugs, and if you're really sick in the hospital, they know really well if you're at a good hospital, exactly how to, you know, administer if the staff is not overburdened and understaffed and and and if they're doing their job, right, we are in a good place as far as emergency medicine. I would not want to trade herbs for ambulances and hospitals and surgeons any day of the week. If I'm in a car wreck, please don't give me comfrey and boswellia and curcumin, I want to be in a hospital with all of the proper drugs. The other thing is, let me talk about one of the current topics at this moment because we're going to start getting to more specific topics as time goes on. But here we are, almost to Thanksgiving, or actually around the Thanksgiving time. And what comes up after that is flu, most people especially last year, and perhaps the year before, it was a very frightening flu season. So I want to somehow unpack this information that we're bombarded with but through the papers in the internet, and your physician and all the signs on every street corner that is close to a walk in clinic or a drugstore about get your flu shots. The first thing is to me Dr. Brownstein, who's a physician that I have met one time, and he has a wonderful free newsletter if you google Dr. Brownstein. But he talks about how the numbers are manipulated, in order to create fear in people and anything that normally creates fear on a marketing level a social media level is trying to make you do something could be to make you vote one way it could make you want to purchase the cure the fix the life insurance of this of that. Well, the thing about the flu is when you read the headlines that say 100,000 people died from the flu last year. Here is the lowdown. What they did was they combined the people who died from the flu with the people who died from pneumonia. And so when they put those two numbers together, it was quite frightening. Because I don't know about you, but I have had many, many older friends and relatives who passed away from pneumonia. It doesn't normally hit middle aged people and rarely the young people. But the thing is the CDC has decided to clump, pneumonia and flu deaths together. Well, the flu deaths only accounted for somewhere in a very small percentage of the numbers and all the rest were the pneumonia people. So if your grandmother passed away from pneumonia, it was put into the cystic sticks that flu caused her death. Now it won't be on her death certificate, but it is on the mainstream media. So if that doesn't make you skeptical, I don't know what would. Well if we know that number one is we can have less Fear of the flu. That doesn't mean you ignore it, it means it is something troublesome, certainly very challenging and very uncomfortable when we do have it. And none of us would wish it on our worst enemy. But so what do we do to prevent it? Do we get the flu shot? The truth is, and again Dr. Brownstein, and another one of my cohorts, Dr. Mercola. And I do recommend Mercola's website on a very regular basis. I've met him before. He's very brutally honest. He's so outspoken about his ideas, that he knows he cannot buck the system and go back to practicing medicine, the healthcare system today is broke. And they will attack anyone pretty violently within their ranks, who counters the normal philosophy? And he certainly does. If you go to mercola.com and type in flu, you will be able to read endlessly about the dangers of the flu vaccine. That does that mean, no one should get it. Even if you just believe what I just said in the past 10 seconds, no, there are people who are who are at high risk, that I think the risk against benefit sometimes weighs out. And sometimes it doesn't. every choice that I personally make is weighing out risk against benefit everything down to the 81 milligram recommendation, down to a keto diet, down to even supplements, you weigh the risk against benefit, and if the benefit outweighs it, then we make that choice. If we're logical people, we have to get out of the idea that everything is is 100%, one way or the other. Nothing in this world is 100%. safe, and nothing in this world is 100%. Deadly. So there's all we're always going to live in the gray area. That's why you need people who you trust, who are going to tell you the truth, and the truth, not based on just trying to manipulate and sell you something. So the flu vaccine, let me make sure I don't let my add brain get away. What we want to do is first off, when you look at the thigh mirasol, which is a type of mercury compound that is in most vaccines, we know that, that mirasol. And mercury when it accumulates in the brain of people will increase their risk of memory loss and Alzheimer's and dementia. So for every shot that you get, it is building this storehouse of a very, very toxic material. So there's that. So if you have a checklist, so there's the one on the risk side. And then secondly, we're we are bombarding the immune system with a molecule, which only at best is 40% accurate when they try to pick the right flu vaccine for the previous when they do it the previous year, which is what they have to do. So they're trying their best to predict what's going to happen next year. Well, so there's a probable 40 to 50% best that is gonna even go to work. So you got a potential side effect, you also have a only 40 or 50% chance it will work. So there's two on the side of risk. And then the benefit side is there will be some people who it will inoculate and cause their immune system to boost itself to fight that particular virus. The thing is, we also have an immune system that already is overburdened by so many components of this chaotic toxic world that we live in. From the GMO foods, the roundup that's being sprayed all the extensive pharmaceuticals that most people use a society that is generally sleep deprived and stressed out to the max which weakens immune system probably more than anything a person can do. And then you've got the fact that half of our immune system at least is built by the microbiome, the microbiome being the good bacteria that resides within the gut lining. Now people think that they can eat a cup of yogurt or drink a drink of kombucha and feel confident that they built that back. That's really silly, because we have about three pounds of bacteria that resides within us. And three pounds compared to the amount of good bacteria in a cup of yogurt is is like throwing a spoonful of sand in the ocean and expecting to make a difference. It just simply can't be and the other reason is because we're continually destroying the microbiome as we try to replace it through the use or the the internet Have foods that have antibiotics, any food that was grown and sprayed with roundup is killing the microbiome. And then you add chlorinated water, and fill an unfiltered tap water, those things will devastate the microbiome. So you've got an immune system that's already weakened. And then you're going to ask it to mount a massive defense or a very hearty defense against a artificially injected molecule. Now, keep in mind, when you inject something with a syringe, far different than if you breathed it in, or you touch something that had germs on it, and then that, you know, the germs would start at, you know, a low level, and they would multiply, then your body would since those pathogens and start mounting its defense, this is totally different, the body has no choices and no preparation, they can't start slow and work itself up because you've injected something directly into the bloodstream. So it's it is a true bombarding of the immune system that already many people are have a weakened system. So even if it does have the right choice of flu, for the next season, it may not be able, and it actually may tip the scale of the immune system into further weakness. And maybe it would mount a defense against the flu. But what happens when you know a cold comes around the corner, the next month, you already are in such a weakened state. And the amount of people who have had neurological events from a flu shot is not to be ignored. Now it's not 30%. But when you have the disease that causes the nerves to be damaged when you take a flu shot, which is very common actually is maybe 2% 3%. And that doesn't sound like a lot. But if it's in you or your family, it it doesn't matter. And it's a permanent most of the time a permanent disability. When that happens, it's because the immune system was unprepared. And it actually attacked the body, thinking it was the flu. Well, scary stuff. Very scary stuff. Well, if we're not going to want to do the flu shot, what do we do? Well, there's many things one absolute, that there's no controversy in my mind is to raise your vitamin D level in your blood to about 50 nanograms per milliliter to approximately 90 nanograms per milliliter, that alone will increase the immune system's ability to prevent. And if you do get the flu, it would be far less aggressive. In fact, there was a doctor once and I love him to death named Dr. canal, he actually owns the vitamin Research Council, or vitamin Council. And he's a psychiatrist. And he worked at a very, very large hospital, probably in the 90s 1990s is my guess, night middle middle part. And in this hospital, it was one of the big institutions where every component of patients, every need of patients was served from the cardiac unit to the cancer unit. All of them including a mental psychiatric part, but Dr. canal because for some reason, he had this burning desire to research vitamin D in a way in the early ages before anyone was speaking about it. And he would give all of his patients which were quite numerous because he was a head of the psychiatric department. And he gave all of his patients vitamin D in fairly aggressive levels far more than anyone had done. And in one year, during the flu epidemic, it swept through this hospital very aggressively. And it was a devastation to most of the patients except those in his wing. Those in his psychiatric wing, were not even hardly affected by the flu, they had the same amount of people who had the flu shot, they had shared nurses there was not like a separate building, the air ventilation would would be all the same. And that is what turned his head totally around and mine when I read about it to the education of medical professionals and the public, to the miraculous benefit that can be had if we just understand this one nutrient. So my recommendation. First off, if you're not going to get your blood tested soon, then take between five and 10,000 units of vitamin D every single day, early in the day with food with fat in it. If you don't have food with fat, it's probably not going to be transported to the correct parts of your physiological system so it probably won't be as effective. So five to 10,000 units Somewhere in the next three to six months, get your blood levels checked. That brings me into the fact that, you know, I want to help people be a partner on their own journey into wellness, health and vitality. And the only way you will do that is by putting together a game plan. And one of those is having a blood testing facility. Don't think that you're going to be able to go to your normal physician and say, I would like this, this, this and this test. I rarely see it happen. Even if it does, here's the downside to that sometimes the insurance won't pay. And when it doesn't, you get an exorbitant bill. I had a lady several years ago who went to her doctor and demanded a vitamin D test, she ended up getting an $800 bill for that vitamin D test, it should have cost about 80. And because the way he submitted it, and the insurance company denied paying it, the lab made her pay 800 $800. So I've got options for all of this, you never have to worry again, we'll fill you in on how to get blood testing totally in your own town very easily through the proper labs. Now the second thing on the flu is be prepared in your house. With the proper remedies, we have a window of opportunity when you start feeling bad if you can jump on different products that can help stimulate your immune system and, and help boost your own innate ability to fight pathogens, you will generally reduce the time you are sick by somewhere between 20 and 50%. If you can jump on it within the first 24 hours. What does that mean? That means, don't think that you're going to start on Saturday afternoon getting the sniffles and the fever and the aches and pains. And you're going to feel like or even be able to go to your local nutrition health food store and buy the right products. You might but you might not. They might not even be open on Sunday. So the things that you need in your cupboard is olive leaf is number one. And it needs to have an 18% concentration of olio ropin. That's the active ingredient. olive leaf to me is my number one go to for for staying well when I end up feeling that something's attacking me. And an adult would always take approximately six pills a day, which is split up to two into with each meal. And then secondly is love the proper brand of collodial silver than say proper brand. With bold letters. Most brands that are being sold aren't going to work very well. And the reason they don't is because the molecules of silver have a tendency to coagulate in many brands, especially the homemade versions where you buy the machine, what that means is you've got just now gone from a 30 part per million or maybe even 100 part per million to a significantly huge chunk of silver rather than these microscopic little molecules. And that gets basically clogged up in the human system. It is why people who when you saw Oprah, and that blue man came on, who was totally from head to toe had a coloring to him that was very significantly blue. It was because he did the homemade silver, and it impregnates under the skin and is permanent. It dare never never goes away. I've been talking to a lady for probably 12 years. And she is exactly in the same boat on in my local area. And it's sad, because it's like, it's like a tattoo, you just never going to get it to leave on its own. Now, what that means is if you get the proper brand that's between the right parts per million that produces it the right way. You have no worries, you could drink an entire bottle the rest of your life and you will never never never turn blue. But using silver along with my olive leaf and then jumping on a very what I call therapeutic dose of vitamin D for three days, what is the therapeutic dose. And again, I'm not giving medical medical advice. I'm not telling you to do things that you would not that your doctor would say not to do. I'm just giving education and what I do is I take a huge dose of 50,000 units every morning for three days. That though these three things along with elderberry as a backup are my my superstars as far as being prepared for really anything. It doesn't matter if it's a flu because of this or that You got to have them ready. Because when you're feeling crappy, unless you got a sweet partner in your life, you're you're just going to be at home and you're not going to get in your car and you're not going to drive over. And if you do, you're not going to feel like talking to somebody and getting re educated. Go in and get it. Now, while you're clear thinking and put it in your house. I never travel without olive leaf anywhere I go. olive leaf is my companion. So that's a huge conversation on flu. Again, to condense it down, question the flu shot, go to mercola.com, read, read, read, decide for yourself, stock your kitchen with vitamin D, make sure you take the right amount every day and eventually get a blood test. Make sure you have silver and olive leaf and elderberry in your cabinet. And lastly is realizing that the majority of infections do not come from you breathing them, they come from you touching something with your hands. And then you are basically inoculating yourself through the orifices in your body. What are the orifices, your eyes, your ears, and your nose. So if you watch people, and if you do this today, and watch this, even pay attention to yourself, look at how many times we touch our eyes, our ears, and our nose. It's just a habit that many of us have, because we are twitching around, you know, we're nervous, we're anxious and we have these little movements, we'll make and retrain yourself not to do this. One reason that I am very blessed to not get hardly any infections really and truly is not because I live a lifestyle of therapeutic nutrition and eat well and try to do the right things because I don't touch my eyes, ears or nose. And I find if I'm really fatigued, like if I haven't slept or I'm really super anxious, I will catch myself doing this. But that's how you're going to transmit the flu virus from that doorknob you touch 15 minutes before and you just touch your ear. Well, there it goes. You are pretty much implanted the seeds. And once they're implanted, you know you're not going to go in and scrub them out. They're going to go and they reproduce so freakin fast that it's ridiculous. In fact, in the 1918 flu epidemic, the story is you would go and you would wake up in the morning feeling well. And if you got the flu that day, you'd be dead by nightfall. That's how aggressive that flu was in 1918. And what was happening to that flu. It wasn't the flu virus or the flu that actually killed people. It was their own reaction to the pathogen. And what happened because it was such a foreign mutated virus, that the lungs would fill with fluid within six to 12 hours. And let's just Of course, we all, you know, hear occasionally that you know, it's going to come back this mutated virus. And actually if it did today, we would not be that far better off served, then we were in 1918 because there's not a whole lot even mainstream medicine can do at that point. Well, you know what, I cannot believe we've already spent a lot more time than I thought is seem like five minutes and it's probably 40. And I want to thank all of you for listening. And be sure to tune in next time. We're going to get some incredible guests lined up for the future. And you will enjoy hopefully every single one. Thank you. This is Ed Jones.

28:35 Thanks for listening to the Holistic Navigator Podcast, where we believe the body has the ability to heal itself. For more information, please visit www dot the holistic navigator.com

“Many people are being condemned to poor health not because of a lack of information, we’re drowning in information. It’s about filtering it. It’s about finding the truth.”

-Ed Jones

Brian StricklandComment