A Holistic View of Thyroid Function, Iodine and Blood Pressure with Dr. Brownstein

A Holistic View of Thyroid Function, Iodine, and Blood Pressure with Dr. Brownstein
Ed Jones

Iodine has been around for a long time. It was once widely used to prevent infection and was a staple in most doctor’s bags. When the popularity of pharmaceuticals increased, it dropped of the radar a little bit, much to the detriment of our own health. Iodine deficiencies are on the rise due to soil depletion, diet changes, and other lifestyle factors. With it’s abilities so closely tied to thyroid function, now might be a good time to find out if you’re deficient as well.

Meet Dr. Brownstein

This week we speak with Dr. David Brownstein. He’s a board certified physician in Michigan and is considered one of the foremost holistic practitioners. He’s an expert when it comes to chronic diseases, including thyroid disorders. On this episode we talk about the importance of iodine supplementation, why it’s so important, and how it affects thyroid function. As an added bonus, Ed asks him a few questions about blood pressure misconceptions near the end of the episode.

Some Topics We Discussed:

  • Why should we have iodine in our toolbox of natural remedies? (3:47)

  • What is the appropriate dosing of iodine? (6:10)

  • Why are we more prone to iodine deficiency now? (10:36)

  • What are common symptoms of iodine deficiency? (13:03)

  • How do we approach low thyroid issues? (17:00)

  • How should we approach the topic of blood pressure as we age? (24:10)

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Iodine has long been known for its strong anti-infective properties. (5:12)

  • Dr. Brownstein’s observed an ideal amount of iodine as 25 milligrams a day. (11:30)

  • Nearly half of the US population is iodine deficient. (13:15)

  • The reference range for thyroid health are too broad so people often don’t get diagnosed when they have thyroid issues. (19:14)

  • The basal body temperature test is a great way to check your thyroid function at home. (22:40)

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Brian Strickland: Hey everyone, welcome back to The Holistic Navigator Podcast where we talk about all things holistic health and believe in the body's ability to heal itself, if given the proper nutrients and care. For those of you who may happen to be new to the show, let me say welcome and thank you so much for listening [00:01:00] today. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer and I'm joined in the studio today by our host Ed Jones. And our goal is to simply educate anyone who may be interested in learning more about natural holistic healing. We're excited today to speak with Dr. David Brownstein, a board certified family physician and one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine in the country. We're talking about a handful of topics today ranging from thyroid function to blood pressure. And with that being said, that's it for me. So let's go ahead and start the show and let me hand it over to our host, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones: Thank you very much, Brian. Yes. I am so excited to have one of my most popular people that I have followed for probably 12 to 15 years and his name is Dr. David Brownstein and I want to welcome you Dr. Brownstein to The Holistic Navigator.

Dr. Brownstein: Well, thank you for having me.

Ed Jones: You know, [00:02:00] I've been doing this career of holistic nutrition for going on 41 years in January. So that will be very soon of course and I have been a follower of so many people that I respect and who are really brave soldiers in this path of holistic nutrition health, especially those who are able to see through the fog and not be captured by the pharmaceutical influences. And I know your some of your history. Dr. Brownstein is a board certified family physician. One of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine in this country and a medical director of holistic medicine in West Bloomfield. And you have lectured internationally. I actually met you about probably 8 years ago in Nashville, Tennessee at a medical conference. I was up there with a friend [00:03:00] of mine, Dr. Charles Adams and spent two or three days there and really enjoyed talking to you at that time. I know you have practiced holistic medicine for probably about two decades and you do specialize in the use of vitamins minerals herbs natural hormones, but you also embrace so many other things like Kinesiology, acupuncture, nutritional therapies in your practice. And you've written many books, you've written 10 that I've read every single one of and I also get your newsletter. So quite aware of your philosophy and your teachings and so, you know, I'm a person who certainly talks the talk and have for four decades. And I'd like to get it you're of course information your opinion on about three topics. One of which is on iodine. I am so enamored about the power of iodine and the fact that I think can you clarify this. Most physicians of the 1930s actually carried [00:04:00] iodine with them in their doctor's bag because it has such a range of applications for sick patients. So let's talk about that because your book on iodine which is of course labeled why you need it and why you can't live without it is phenomenal. We actually sell it and recommend it highly. So tell us tell the listeners about why we need to have this in our toolbox of remedies and perhaps also per for prevention of health declines.

Dr. Brownstein: Well iodine is an essential item we can item we can't live without and either we get it from our food and we supplements or problems develop and eventually will die without it. But the you know, the the history of iodine goes back to you know hundreds of years and the item you referring to that, you know, I recommend for most people's lugol's solution in the 1800 s after Dr. Lugol [00:05:00] in the early eighteen hundreds after Dr. Lugol developed lugol's solution, which is 5% iodine and iodide in a potassium solution. It was widely used in medicine for almost any condition and the number one thing that was killing people back then was infections and iodine is known to have strong anti-infective properties. No bacteria, parasites, yeast, virus has been shown to be resistant to iodine. So doctors liberally prescribed it till the early 20th century and once patent medicine to hold after World War II, iodine kind of fell out of favor because it wasn't a patentable substance. It was very cheap and doctors became, you know, enamored with Pharmaceuticals. And iodized salt game into play. We'll talk about soon. But you know after that iodine wasn't really recommended by doctors and it fell into decline. And what's happened over the years [00:06:00] is our iodine levels actually have fallen for the last 50 years and we become more iodine deficient and that's created a whole host of problems.

Ed Jones: Wow, and yes, and I personally, you know, always take some iodine. I know so keep it in reserve in case I was not feeling well, but I know there's a lot of confusion about dosing of iodine. I know that there are people who think that there's enough in the junky salt that we have and that's of course not true. But then the dosing of the nutritional supplements does range from about 1.5 milligrams up to probably about 60 and you certainly can clarify that. One of my concerns and I've and you help me with this is I know that if there's a few select clients, patients that if they do too much iodine, is there a risk of creating hyperthyroidism, which of course is an over active thyroid which then can cause another host of problems. [00:07:00] Is that a real issue with the higher doses?

Dr. Brownstein: Well sure. It's an issue, but luckily not a very common issue. In over 19 years after we were using iodine in my practice I've had I can count three or four patients that I thought developed a problem or developed hypothyroidism due to iodine. So iodine is only contraindicated in individuals with an autonomously functioning natural in their thyroid gland. What that means is a piece of a thyroid has sort of developed and its own and it's lost the body's controls. And so when you give iodine it will start making a lot of thyroid hormone. You know that's the case because these people feel it with the first or second dose of iodine. They get nervous, jittery, palpitations and they don't like it. The only way to tell that is to know you as a physician to be good with your hands and palpate the thyroid and see if there's any nodules [00:08:00] and number two. If you feel any nodules you get a scan of a thyroid in you're looking for a high natural one of the things up a lot of iodine. Like I said, I've had three cases in 19 years. My partners have had a couple of cases. It's not very common when we have 99 plus percent of our patients taking iodine.

Ed Jones: And what is the range that you generally are prescribing iodine for the general patient. Not one specific with problems. What range are you recommending?

Dr. Brownstein: Well the RDA for a which was established in the 1920s is apart. There's a 150 micrograms per day and a little bit more in pregnancy and lactation, but when the RDA was established we were having a goiter epidemic across the midwestern United States. In fact, it was across the whole entire United States, but worse than the Midwest. You know, where I am that includes the Great Lakes Area, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio [00:09:00] and then you just draw a line straight down the country. It's all the central United States. So the US government was worried about this goiter epidemic because goiter was occurring in animals as well. And the animals were growing to the right size and the animals are suffering from thyroid problems in those areas because there wasn't enough iodine in the soil and in the food. So there was a worry that as the human population expanded in the early 20th century that we would outstrip our ability to feed them. So this one up to the highest levels of government and studies were done in Michigan and Ohio to look at what's the minimum level of iodine we get to animals to give them normal thyroid function and prevent goiter. And what they found was when the minimal amount was about 150 micrograms, you know for a human size. And [00:10:00] so that's how I iodized salt became available. That's the amount you put in to supply 150 micrograms per day. And at the time it was a pretty good therapy. It was really one of the first public health events that were very positive for mankind and you know the goiter epidemic was going down and animals, you know, stopped having thyroid problems and goiter problems. And I started procreating and growing to the right size and it was a successful Public Health campaign. The problem over the years has been that people are using less iodized salt now. In fact, studies show that there's estimates that somewhere between at least 50% and 80% of households don't use any iodized salt and number two our exposure to toxic chemicals, [00:11:00] like bromine and fluoride have gone up over the years and these things cause you to lose iodine in your body. So actually over the years our iodine requirements of gone up compared to our predecessors, our grandparents and great grandparents and so on. So we have a higher iodine. Now than they did because their exposure all these toxic elements are much higher and we're not getting it in. So we're suffering from iodine deficiency problems. So the quick answer to your question is for an average person, how much iodine do they need in today's toxic world? My experience has been about 25 milligrams for most people and as a combination of iodine and iodide has found in lugol’s solution. If you have diseases of the endocrine tissue where iodine concentrates, which includes the prostate, pancreas and thyroid generally you need a little bit more than that.

Ed Jones: Wow, this wonderful information. Let me ask you for your advice because I've been telling [00:12:00] advising clients for many years that have concerns about the potential of this high-dose turning it into a hyper. What I kind of tell them is I want you to take your true resting pulse rate at least twice before you start this and if you start feeling funny do it again, and if your pulse is gone up 10 to 12 beats a minute for no other apparent reason, you might consider playing with the dose and getting off of it and seeing if it you know it goes back to normal. Is that good advice?

Dr. Brownstein: I think that's reasonable advice. The other thing you can tell them is look people know when they're hyperthyroid, you get nervous jittery, and palpitations. If you feel nervous, jittery, palpitations, generally, they're going to feel the first or second dose of iodine then checking the pulse rate and you know, all that stuff can really help to see if it's really rare. I don't, I don't see it happen very often.

Ed Jones: Well if yeah, I think it's overblown with the concern but that's what a lot of people are asking. And I know, I never knew that that animals were [00:13:00] having the problems with the low iodine. That's so interesting. And before we move on to the next subject. So what are the common symptoms for your patients who do have iodine's insufficiencies? What is common?

Dr. Brownstein: According to the national health and nutrition examination survey, which the US government has every eight to ten years, iodine levels across the United States have fallen over 50% in nearly 60 percent over the last 40 to 50 years. So the vast majority of Americans are suffering from iodine deficiency and I can tell you the majority of those are severely iodine deficient. I’m testing thousands of patients over the years between me and my partners. So one of iodine’s main jobs and the body is to maintain an overall architecture of equation or tissue that includes as I said before the thyroid, ovaries, uterus, breasts, prostate, pancreas and [00:14:00] thyroid if I didn't mention it. And iodine’s job in those tissues, well one of its jobs, is to maintain an open architecture of the glands. So an iodine deficiency the first thing that starts to happen in the glandular tissue as you get cysts and if the iodine deficiency goes on longer the cysts become they take it hyperplastic appearance, which is a microscopic appearance that is a precursor to cancer. Those tissues which is the end stage of iodine deficiency and that correlates exactly with what we're seeing in our country right now. We have one in seven women with breast cancer. One of the three men with prostate cancer. We have an epidemic increases of pancreatic, ovarian, and uterine cancer. Thyroid cancer is the fastest growing cancer. I say all these conditions are related to iodine deficiency. So one of the the symptoms that you asked about can be cysts in the glandular tissue, [00:15:00] fibrocystic breasts effects over 80% of US women right now. Women are suffering from cysts in their ovaries and in the thyroid occurring epidemic rates. Pancreatic cysts occur. You know, prostate problems. One in Three Men of prostate cancer again, I really always do II deficiency

Ed Jones: Wow, that is alarming. Of course and you know, I'm aware of it but the general public and certainly the normal conventional health practitioners simply are totally unaware. And I know that you know, there's a whole page of other things from you know, hair, skin, energy, temperatures all that and you know, I will continue to you know, give my advice to clients that we have to address this because it's not coming from their normal foods. And because of soil depletions, because of low Iodine because of all this it is just a mandatory thing. And I love the fact that [00:16:00] you which are you understand all too well and I do too that when physicians today conventional ones, they don't want they want the newest the greatest, the shiniest new items ,which are patentable because the patent is what allows the pharmaceutical industry to have the power to come in and educate them / brainwash them into the newest and greatest. Of course, that's profit-driven. Most of the time not always there occasionally, there are some really great drugs that are being invented but not that many as we know. So and I know on your website and I want everyone to know this at DrBrownstein.com. He is a great website. He has the ability to get an e-book, his book on iodine why you need it and while you can't live without it. So if you want to, you know get that, you know, you can do it or you can order any of his books off of any of the sites that you can order books. Second question about a different topic. I know it kind of is the cousin to the iodine conversation. But you know [00:17:00] people who are having this this super low thyroid, I want to talk just a little bit about all of the ones who come in and I'm speaking to say the same thing which is oh my doctor checked it and it's fine. But the truth is their scale of the TSA scale is to my opinion is, you know, far too wide secondly. Is there looking at TSH which is for people listening. The pituitary is basically telling the thyroid that it needs to pep up when you have an altered TSH number. Well, the thing is that to me and you tell me this this just one part of the answer I think symptoms should be another part of the evaluation. And so many women especially have lost 10 to 15 years of better quality life because they've been told their normal and normal is not good is it.

Dr. Brownstein: Well, so the thyroid gland, a small gland butterfly-shaped gland in the lower part of the neck that produces thyroid hormone. [00:18:00] And thyroid hormones are like iodine essential for life. We either produce enough or we develop problems and we don't produce any will die. So the thyroid gland has the highest concentration of iodine in the body and it's very sensitive to iodine status. So if iodine levels have truly fallen 50 to 60 percent over the last 40 to 50 years as the government's own studies show. You can rest assured the thyroid glands can be affected in the vast majority of people out there. And the thyroid gland is supposed to produce thyroid hormone thyroid hormone interacts with every cell in the body to maintain good metabolism, to produce heat, to produce energy and the effects on the body are like what you'll mention. You know, the number one complaint I see with people as they're fatigued and you know, they're tired or you know, that's their biggest complaint. But the thyroid can also [00:19:00] affect hair growth. You know hair loss can be a sign of wealth every puffiness in general day-to-day the maintain extra fluid in their body and they gain weight and have difficulty losing weight. They're cold. They have poor nails, dry skin and host of other problems that go with it. So yes, we are seeing an epidemic of thyroid problems. That's being driven in part from iodine deficiency as well as other things. I mean, the thyroid is very sensitive to a lot of pollutants in the environment which we are continually exposed to an ever-increasing levels. And as you mention the thyroid blood test the reference range is too wide. So it misses too many people really are suffering from hypothyroidism, even though their physician will tell them what year in the reference range. Well, I've lectured to doctors for 20-plus years on this we go through the reference range. I show them how the reference ranges are derived and where the problems are with the reference ranges. And even in the reference range people can be [00:20:00] suffering from hypothyroidism because that range is just too wide.

Ed Jones: That is so informative because in my area at least here in Tennessee, we don't have people like you. They seem to meander themselves to other states more than they do here. We have maybe a couple but you know it's tough for the client patient when they're told from their supposed expert that they're perfectly fine and yet they're not. And the thing is I like the fact that and I tend to forget the fact that puffiness can be one of the symptoms of this. Before I move on to the next thing on the next subject. I want to ask you one last question. If you personally were feeling that you were getting sick from a pathogen, a flu, a cold. Do you up the dose of your thyroid or you just keep doing the normal amount?

Dr. Brownstein: Well the taking thyroid hormone... [00:21:02]

Ed Jones: I meant iodine when I said that instead of thyroid. Yeah, I'm sorry.

Dr. Brownstein: Yes, iodine has strong antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-candida properties. No pathogen has been shown to be resistant to iodine. So yes, you can take more iodine. Now it's better to be taking iodine to have your levels up when you become ill because you'll be less ill. It will last as long. You’ll get over it quicker. But yes, I can and I sometimes tell people I frequently tell people to take a little bit more iodine when they're sick then the drop your levels back down when it's going better.

Ed Jones: What is the maximum dose? About 60 milligrams would be my guess but I'm guessing.

Dr. Brownstein: There's no maximum dose. Out of people hundreds of milligrams.

Ed Jones: Really?

Dr. Brownstein: People with cancer in the breasts, the ovaries, uterus prostate, pancreas. If they have stage four cancer, you have to have iodine concentrations high enough in the body to get. It's called an eightball tonic effect or eye cancer killing effect and you can't do that with [00:22:02] RDA amounts of iodine. I showed that when I lecture to doctors and I go through the physiology and biochemistry behind that. So there's really no maximum dose. The discoverer of vitamin C in the 1920s wrote about his experience with iodine. He was taking a gram a day. So I have many of my patients had a couple of hundred milligrams depending on what I'm trying to accomplish with it.

Ed Jones: I love that. I love that and last question. Do you feel that the morning temperature test is a good at home method to kind of look at whether it's low thyroid function or not?

Dr. Brownstein: That's a good question. You know, one of the reasons I wrote my books was to educate my patients so they can make better healthcare decisions. And I talked about that temperature testing my thyroid book. And it's the first [00:23:02] morning temperature before you get out of bed it’s called the basal body temperature. And the idea behind it is the thyroid hormone is needed to raise the metabolic rate of the cells and produce heat. So people who are low thyroid are cold all the time and they'll have a low basal body temperature. So you can use that first morning temperature while they're lying in bed. And I have the reference ranges in my book on we know what's normal, what's not and give you a guide that hey perhaps I have a thyroid problem. Is it a perfect test? No it’s not a perfect test but it's a pretty good test in so pretty good monitor of thyroid function.

Ed Jones: I love that and I did do a Holistic Navigator myself on my education of thyroid and I did mention that and certainly mentioned you on there so they can listeners can go back to the one that I did that talks a little bit about that. One of the last newsletter you sent out my friend one 2020 January on blood pressure is so enlightening [00:24:02] because as you know, as well as I, that the mass amount of misinformation that is being funneled to the public in order to sell more drugs is just it's sad. It angers me. I'm sure it does you at times and you know, there's a time and place for the right drugs. There's no doubt and we have people who need to be on, you know, strong medication for blood pressure. But the thing is how you talked about in this newsletter, which makes such common sense and I've talked about many of the things you've said for years. You cannot expect a 60 year olds to have the same blood pressure as a 20 and the only way you're going to get the 60 year-old to probably have it is to super medicate and then you've got a whole new list of potential problems that that patients not being told when they walk out of that office and go to the drug store to get those drugs. And so I love the fact and you clarify this, you know, you're saying that in your practice that [00:25:02] you're advising people to do a 90 plus their age for the systolic. The systolic is the higher number diastolic so lower number. So if I'm 63, which I am so we would be 90 plus 63, 153 would be my limit for the top. Is that what you're saying?

Dr. Brownstein: So blood pressure certainly can be a problem. If it's too high it can cause kidney problems and strokes and heart attacks and can really, you know be detrimental and you know cause death of it. So it should be taken seriously. The problem is that the conventional powers that be have arbitrarily you know put a normal blood pressure as anything less than 120 over 80 and in my writings and in my research, you know, I made it clear that, you know less than 120 over 80 is fine if you're young, you know, 20 years old or so, but as we [00:26:02] get older the vast majority of us, you know less than 120 over 80 is accident perfuse the brain well enough. You know, the body has to blood from the head to the toes 24/7 and when we're young there's a lot of elasticity and a lot of collagen in our arteries and veins and you can it can move blood and very nicely and easily through the body. We lose some of that elasticity as we get older just a consequence of aging and so the body needs a higher blood pressure generally as we get older to pump blood, you know head to toe. And you know for older people, you know, many of them lower blood pressure is sometimes a great thing. So that's why there's so many side effects with blood pressure pills because they can cause people to be dizzy and fall break a hip or you know, hit their head or something, or they give them brain fog and they can't think clearly. I just went through this with a patient yesterday in the office who you know, he's in his mid 70s [00:27:02] and his blood pressure was 110 over 60. He’s complaining of dizziness and I said to him look I think you know, you're overmedicated right now. I think we need to you know, lower your medication to let your blood pressure come up a little bit and now there are some older people that have low blood pressure their whole life. They're in the minority. So really the only way to maintain those recommendations less than 120 over 80 in your older years is buy drugs. So pharmaceutical company set up a great decorate guideline. The guideline is blood pressure should be less than 120 over 80 forever, and that’s just not going to happen in people 50 years and up. So they're all going to need medication for their blood pressure. And you know, that's why we're over medicating people. And you know the mortality from blood pressure in the big problems occur when the systolic pressure is above 180. So, you know [00:28:02] in that newsletter that you're talking about. Yeah, I wrote one of the reasons we're having so many blood pressure problems is people aren't drinking enough water and they're dehydrated .If they don't have enough blood volume, which water helps to maintain the body's going to have to tighten up blood pressure and raise it to pump a smaller volume of blood from head to toe. So in the newsletter I talk about some natural things you can do to keep blood pressure down, but I also talked about, you know, don't get so worried if you don't follow those guidelines and you're you know, you're not 20 years old.

Ed Jones: That's great advice because you know too well, the conventional health professionals use fear as a motivating factors so well and the patient is just like he can't even he or she can't even think for themselves because they've been like you walking time bomb. You know this we've got to get this under control immediately. And you know, I separate the world into two different classes [00:29:02] of people and I say this often on tThe Holistic Navigator is into these two groups: Learners and non-learners. Today's times if you are a Non-learner and you're not willing to embrace the conversations that need to be looked at as far as your health and your future you're doomed you're basically doomed if you are going for the traditional advice. You will be the average Tennessean where we are is on 17 prescription drugs per year and I'm sure it varies across the country. But you know, we know that that is their only thing in their toolbox. And it's very very frustrating and sad and they're told not to say much about anything holistic. You are from the World you have a highly trained you have experience in saying the power of using foods from the earth, using supplements, using less drugs. And I know on the newsletter for blood pressure you also talked about using salt which is you know demonized in this country as being such a terribly unhealthy food. It's not if it's the right one using the right [00:30:02] dose. And you are so right the amount of people I've seen that have had low blood pressure their quality of life is generally not as good as it would be if they were more than in the good range. But that is you know, I want to encourage people who are listening to sign up for your newsletter. Dr. Brownstein. It is probably the most informative of any and I've got them all. I mean everything from the Early Whittaker's to the Life Extensions to you name it. I scour the landscape because I want to know things so I can share things on not only the Holistic Navigator but on my private personal consultations. And so People who want to subscribe just go to DrBrownstein.com. Is that how they do it?

Dr. Brownstein: Yes, they can. There's a link to it from my website. You can also go to Newsmax.com and just type in my name.

Ed Jones: Absolutely and we will also have a link for them to find it very efficiently too because I'm I you know, [00:31:02] I'm got to an age now where it's you know, I'm not I want to accumulate partners in this next journey of my life in this field of Health holistic and nutrition. You're going to be one of those partners which you have been but you didn't know it and I think you know many of us are under the gun. We are swimming upstream, especially in this part of the country. As you know, kook and voodoo all the things that conventional people want you to know, put us down for and I just think you are a true hero. I think you're a gladiator who has the guts to stand up and say what you believe. And it's not from a profit motivation because you're not. I mean you're selling you have 10 books. People should have all 10, but that's and you do sell some other things, but it's obvious to me you're selling truth and it's free almost if you just want to read some of your things and even your newsletter so reasonable and that it's just worth every stinkin [00:32:02] penny. So I'm encouraging everyone to if you only can pick one newsletter to learn about holistic health. I want you to pick Dr. Brownstein because I know you will be very pleased with that.

Dr Brownstein: Thank you so much. Basically, I actually pulled it up on my computer. It's called the natural way to health. Dr. Brownstein’s natural way to health. There you go. Look I only write about what works and what doesn't work in my practice. I'm on the front line. I'm seeing patients, you know full-time practice and I enjoy it and you know, I study what I do and I can write about what works and doesn't work. And you know, there's no there's no punches pulled are you know what I write.

Ed Jones: Yeah, I can attest to that is very obvious. And again, I thank you so much. I hope we can do this again and maybe a few months and cover three other subjects, but I appreciate it, Dr. Brownstein at hope someday to see you again. If you're ever in this part of the country, I'd love to have a meeting or have you give a lecture or anything else, but you enjoy [00:33:02] 2020. We will hopefully be back with you again. And again, thank you for my deepest deepest heart for spending your time to educate everyone over this last 40 minutes. So we will hopefully talk to you in a few months. Okay?

Dr. Brownstein: Well, thank you for having me and let's do it again.

Ed Jones: And that was such an amazing interview with Dr. Brownstein. It just so reconfirms the truth about the subjects of iodine thyroid and blood pressure. And you know, there's one thing when you listen or you hear people who are well read or well you are educated and I value that but the person on the front line is the person who is saying clients and patients every single day and has the academic background or the experience. Plus they have the ability to put together and connect the dots of okay, I did this and it did work I did this and it didn't work and they start, you [00:34:02] know, fine-tuning this path of advice and health and education for Individuals who need it. aAd we need to have a team approach which I've spoke endlessly about. Do not expect your normal conventional position to be the full team. They're there for acute care medicine. What is that? That is you have strep throat. You have a sprained ankle. You have a tick bite, you have something else going on there? Wonderful. Wonderful. They're not trained in chronic disease or truly prevention of disease. They're simply not and so we need to combine our forces and we're going to use people like your conventional people and others similar to Dr. Brownstein and maybe some local people who are very very well trained and experienced. So all of you the best to your year of health, we are going to help you [00:35:02] optimize it. And so stay tuned for an episode after episode. We got some exciting ones coming up. Have a blessed and happy and healthy day. Thank you.

Brian Strickland: The information on this podcast in the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or any one of the medical profession and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The Holistic Navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or listener of these materials. The Holistic Navigator is not a doctor or doesn't claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.

“The vast majority of Americans are suffering from iodine deficiency. I can tell the majority of those are severely iodine deficient after testing thousands of patients over the years between me and my partners.”

-Dr. Brownstein