Everyday Toxin Free Living with Cady Kuhlman


Whether we like it or not, we’re surrounded by perfectly legal chemicals that are often causing more harm than the good. All of the wonderfully scented soaps, air fresheners, cleaning agents, and cosmetics that we’re told are essential to life might be working to our detriment. It can be difficult to know what to look for and which brands to trust, and these seemingly small decisions can have a big impact on the future of our health and the health of our families.

Meet Cady:

On this week’s episode we welcome back Cady Kuhlman. Cady holds a master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition and has over 11 years of living holistically and making wise decisions when it comes to the products she uses and endorses. She’s the founder of the group Earth Conscious Mama, which is intended to build a community focused around clean, toxin free living. Cady walks us through how to be a discerning shopper, what to look for when reading labels, and tells about some small changes that we can easily make to help us live optimally.

Some Topics We Discussed:

  • What should we be thinking about when wanting to reduce our toxic load? (6:50)

  • What implications does our skin being our largest organ have on us? (8:12)

  • What are simple steps we can take to lower our body burden? (12:08)

  • What are 4 chemicals that you really should avoid? (22:45)

  • What is Greenwashing? (28:30)

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • You have to be intentional about being healthy. (4:20)

  • The average person in this country is getting 515 chemicals in their morning routine. (7:56)

  • Federal law has not been updated in 84 years to change what chemicals are allowed in our products. (10:08)

  • Parabens have now been classified as a direct link to breast cancer. (25:44)

  • 3164 chemicals are allowed to be used as fragrances and companies do not have to disclose what they are. (26:46)

  • There are ways that we can make all these products safe and perform well. (31:59)

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Brian Strickland 00:43 Hey everyone, welcome back to The Holistic Navigator Podcast where we talk about all things holistic health, and believe in the body's ability to heal itself, if given the proper nutrients and care. Thank you so much for listening today. My name is Brian Strickland. And obviously I'm feeling a little bit under the weather today. But I'm the producer of this show. And today we're excited to have Cady Kuhlman in the studio with us today. Cady has a master's degree in holistic nutrition, is a wife, and a new mom is on a mission to help educate people on how to minimize their toxic footprint. She's the founder of the group Earth Conscious Mama with the intention to build a community focused around clean, toxin free living. And with 11 years of holistic living, education, and experience she's going to guide us through on how to choose everyday household products the right way. Alright, that's it for me. So let's go ahead and hand it over to the host of this show, Mr. Ed Jones.

Ed Jones 01:43 Thank you, Brian. And we are excited for another episode of The Holistic Navigator, where you're going to get information you will rarely find anyplace else. Because I've lived this life professionally for 41 years. I know what works, I know what doesn't. And I want to help everyone have this knowledge because life is a delight. But generally only if you are feeling well. And you're not suffering daily with all of the disabilities that this society seems to have. I mean, the average person's on 16 prescription drugs per year. They have brain fog, they have fatigue, they have gut issues galore. How many people even 20 year olds are not walking around with constant complaints? It wasn't like that in the 60s and 70s people let me tell you, we had a tougher group of people. One reasons not the person's fault is that our environment has completely reversed itself. We have this sugarcoating of safety about so many things food, of course, one, medical treatments two, which many times are really sugar coated is effective and safe, when in fact is nothing but a profit driven machine. And it is not the fault of the people in the healthcare system. I say this constantly. They're wonderful people, but they're in a broke system. You have two doors, you have to choose from people as we age: the door of holistic, wise common sense, grandmother type wisdom, because you have to put together your game plan because we're being inundated daily, by the minute actually, to not do this. And the other door you're going to enter is the door of medication and strong conventional advice about how to manage your health which is come to them and they will fix you don't worry about what you eat very much. And certainly chemicals are approved by the government so they have to be safe. So today we're going to talk about that with Cady Kuhlman. She has a master's degree in holistic nutrition very knowledgeable. A recent mother. Lived a life of learning many natural ways and certainly doesn't. She talks the talk and walks the walk. So welcome to The Holistic Navigator, Cady.

Cady Kuhlman 04:02 Thank you, Ed. I appreciate that. I love what you said about walking through either the door of natural remedies and choosing to be healthy or walking through, sadly the door have lots of medications. But I like to tell people that I talk to and and really help guide on this journey. You have to be intentional about being healthy now. Health is not just something that you luck up and have. We live in a society of too many reasons to sadly not be healthy. So being healthy now takes a little bit of thought, intention, and choosing the right foods, the right water, the right skincare, the right items in your life. So that's where I'm really passionate is to help people choose the right items.

Ed Jones 04:48 Oh, I love that and you know I'm certainly I'm almost 63. I remember so well in grammar school. And I think even in middle school, when you would be excited because teachers bringing in a movie about something. And there was so often at the end of these little educational movies, they would have this thing, obviously sponsored by a company. Of course, none of us knew then in third grade and fifth grade and seventh grade, the ploys that go on behind the scenes, but it would always end with better life through chemistry. And that was an illusion. Because there are parts of life that hasn't been improved due to chemistry. But now we're in an ocean of toxins. And I want you to I want to hear more about this. Because here's the deal. When I try to counsel people are eating radically different in a more improved version or going to the gym, those are tough to hoe for many people, because, you know, it's, it takes effort, it takes discipline, it takes a lot of hard work. Let me tell you, everyone listening, it doesn't take much effort to decrease your toxic load. By the choices you make. All you have to do is be knowledgeable in switch products. You're still going to brush your freakin teeth every morning but let's use a tooth paste that doesn't have the terrible junk in it. We're not talking just fluoride that lowers IQ. We're talking things that create neurological diseases, the perfumes, the cosmetics, the detergents, which I know you'll speak a ton about. We're not talking that this might just irritate your skin. We're talking this is destroying some people's health. Guess what? Some people are like tanks. And they can consume cigarettes, bacon for breakfast, and lunch and supper, and douse themselves in chemicals and still live to be 85 and generally good. Don't let these people be your lesson in life, because the chances are, you're not cut out of that same genetic mold. So there's let's talk about this. Cady, what does a person should they think about when it comes to this conversation?

Cady Kuhlman 06:54 Yeah, definitely. So what I call is, is our overall body burden. So there's a lot of ways we can burden our body. As Ed mentioned, we can burden it through bad food, we can burn it through a stressful relationship, through stress. But one area we never draw attention to. What about our toxic household, personal care and everyday items? So I want to kind of set up a scenario here. In the morning, most of us probably shower or maybe we shower at nighttime, either way, we get in the shower, we use a body wash, we use a shampoo and conditioner, we may use shaving cream, a face wash, once we get out of the shower, we're gonna put on a body lotion, potentially a face cream, some females may wear some makeup, some may not, a styling product in your hair, maybe hair gel, or hair oil, and a toothpaste. So that right there is 10 items being used before you have even gotten a drink of water, before you've made your coffee, or before you've eaten anything. So potentially, depending on what items you're using, the average female and male in this country are getting 515 chemicals in their morning routine. That's insane.

Ed Jones 08:10 Wow.

Cady Kuhlman 08:10 515 chemicals. What I want to say about that is our skin is our largest organ. And I think most people have heard that phrase before. But what does that mean? So you know, we have eyes, we have a brain, we have a heart, we have a spleen, we have kidneys. I don't think any of us intentionally would rub chemicals on any of those organs. No, they're too valuable. And we know that. Sadly, the skin is kind of just, oh, it's there. If it doesn't, you know something doesn't react or doesn't give us bumps or give us some side effect, we don't really see the effects of the chemicals on our skin. So there's almost this like, disconnected link in our brain as to what those chemicals are doing. You know, our skin is absorbing within 28 to 45 seconds it's absorbing between 60 and 80% of what was placed on the skin. And that is going directly into our bloodstream.

Ed Jones 09:12 And you know what, let me interrupt you because there's a product called dmso. And I've used it off and on throughout my entire 40 year career for aches and pains and injuries. It has an unusual molecular structure that that creates a taste in the body. I have put that on my foot and tasted it within about three minutes. And just simply because you put something on and don't taste it doesn't mean it's not going in it just happens dmso has that certain molecule that makes you taste so even though people don't feel it going in, it is going in just like an injection, isn't it?

Cady Kuhlman 09:48 Oh exactly. I mean, think about transdermal like birth control patches or think about progesterone creams that are transdermal. That literally means those hormones, those chemicals are going to directly into the skin and going into the bloodstream. Well, that's what chemicals within our everyday products do as well. A little bit on the personal care industry. So federal law has not been updated in 84 years to change what chemicals are allowed in our products.

Ed Jones 10:17 You're kidding?

Cady Kuhlman 10:18 No, yeah, that means that if, if maybe new emerging research has shown that sodium lauryl sulfate is bad, maybe that propylene glycol is bad, maybe that fragrances are a little bit sketchy. There's still no law mandating that they cannot be in our items, meaning they're going to be in our items.

Ed Jones 10:37 Well, here's the other thing. And I've used the analogy of a cup running over, you know, what, our bodies are real resilient, they're tough. If not, we would not have made it through the 10s of 1000s of years of famine and hunger and depression and weather. But the thing is, it's about the cup being full. And you can be very healthy until you get a certain level of stress, lack of sleep, chemicals in the environment, and one as to another is cumulative people. This stuff adds up like a math problem. So it's not like, oh, you know, just I'm going to ignore it because you know, I'm feeling okay. And this and that. It's all okay, until you're not okay. And I have dealt with people for 41 years that say the same statement. You know, what? I have been healthy my entire life. Until last month, when I get the cancer diagnosis, I get the ALS diagnosis. I got this other diagnosis. No, you weren't. The cup is simply filling up. And most of these people are 45 plus. Well, guess what? If we start lowering the cup at 35 years old, maybe the disease will end up happening, but it might be 80 years old, instead of the 55 year old level. And I say this quite often what I'm observing because I am a an astute observer of health and after 41 years, I've seen this one occurrence. What used to happen to 75 and 80 year olds, is now hitting the 55 year olds, why is that? The cup is full people. Help us to not get that cup full, Cady. What some simple things that we can do?

Cady Kuhlman 12:10 Yeah, well, I want to give before I touch on that, I'd love to just say, the analogy that that really hits home with me. I think when people think of chemicals within their body wash, within their toothpaste, within their detergent, they're probably thinking, oh, it's a small amount, it's probably just a little drop or two, maybe it's just the preservative. No, it is the massive quantity of what is in that product. So just helping you read labels a little bit, you know, as you as you look at the ingredients, whatever is starting off at the top is what is found in the majority of that product. So as you're getting less than, you know, as the the amount is getting less and less, then it's going to be lower at the list. So these chemicals in 95% of these conventional everyday products are the lettuce to your salad. What does that mean? They're the majority. They're not the sprinkled cheese, they're not the crutons, they are what's making up the bod of these products. So a lot of these chemicals currently, and you can research this and I'm going to give you some helpful resources to do that. A lot of these chemicals have been classified as carcinogens, meaning cancer causing agents, endocrine disruptors, meaning they literally go into your hormones and mimic your natural body's hormones. Thirdly, reproductive toxins. And I don't want to speak too much on this. But this is one of my great great passions, is helping moms and babies live their most optimal, healthiest life. Right now in umbilical cords of newborns that have been tested, there are over 212 chemicals found. That means before the baby has ever even breathed life on this earth, there's chemicals found in their bloodstream and in their body. So yes, the mom could have ingested some, the mom could have not watched what she ate. But you know, a lot of that was through what was going on to their skin.

Ed Jones 14:05 Absolutely. That it and and you know, the thing is, this solution is not that difficult, and it's not that expensive. And with children now it is a greater risk. The smaller the human, isn't it because they concentrate it more.

Cady Kuhlman 14:19 Oh, definitely. And their body is not not really ready or able to just constantly get rid of these these toxins because it's so new to this world. It's a new immune system, a new liver, a new kidney. And so yes, it is working optimally because it's new, but it's not meant to handle all the toxins that are constantly thrown at it. So I would like to give four resources that I find the most helpful in you figuring out the appropriate, clean, toxin free, everyday items. Now what do I mean by everyday items? I mean, detergent, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, lotions, body wash, sunless tanner, anything you can think of that's going to go onto your skin or touch your skin. These are the resources that I have the most faith in by far. Number one is the Environmental Working Group. They are a nonprofit organization that spends their entire year, their budget, their staff in researching quality products. The specific organization underneath the EWG is called Skin Deep. So you can go to Google, you type in ew g skin deep, you go to their website, they are going to rate everyday items from 1 to 10. One being the least toxic and the most clean to 10 being the absolute worst, and probably carcinogenic, or just really detrimental to our health. So that's number one. Number two is the Think Dirty App. It's an app, you just go to your app store download, it was started by Dave Asprey, a big key player in our holistic health industry. This you can actually take around to different stores, and you can scan the barcode of your everyday items. You won't find every item in their database, they're still uploading and working on it, but you will find a lot. They also are going to rate the items from one to 10. One being the best to 10 being the worst. I will say there's been a little buzz about Think Dirty, taking a little bit of money to rate items better than what they should be. So Think Dirty is not my absolute bottom line that I go with. I always refer back to EWG as my really good base resource.

Ed Jones 16:42 Now I want to interrupt one second, because I know I've read several of your articles that you've written. And I want to make sure you mention this Facebook group before you get to the end. Because some people only listen to half of the podcast. What is that Facebook group so they can learn more about your philosophy?

Cady Kuhlman 16:56 Yes, thank you. So because I've just seen how many people are confused, don't know where to begin, I want to empower them, I want to guide them. So I've created a Facebook group called Earth Conscious Mama, you just search that as if you are going to search someone's name. And it is a private group. But I'm happy to accept your membership into the group. This is where I discuss and I really report on what's good, what's bad and why. So I give reasons I give examples. One of my favorite things to do is help people do a ditch and switch. And what that means is, is get rid of that product and switch over to this one. So you know, if you trust me, it would be easy just to log on to my Earth Conscious Mama, see what I'm recommending and make that switch for your family. If you're someone that likes to research more, read about what I'm saying and then go to these resources, go to EWG, go to Think Dirty and do the research yourself.

Ed Jones 17:51 Well, I love that because I've speak this probably every other podcast Brian would certainly agree to this, that I feel it's imperative we create a team around us to support us as far as our future health and that team is people we trust, because the world is not trustworthy. Duh, I'm sure all of you, recognize that that just you know, follow the money trail. There's nothing wrong with people making money, but they have to do it in a trustworthy, ethical manner. And, you know, to get advice today, you have to go and accumulate and work with different groups, people websites and websites being a huge one to in order to accumulate your team. I mean, if you're going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, you're not going to do it solo, you're going to have a team of people who help you with training, nutrition, packing your bags, helping transport. You just don't go through life completely solo especially today with this complexity of all the internet and all the things we must embrace in order to function. So what else have you got to say for us?

Cady Kuhlman 19:01 Yeah, I've got two more resources that I would like to touch on. It's B as in baby CPP breast cancer prevention. This is a phenomenal website that does third party testing on companies to make sure they are free of cancer causing agents. So this truly is one ethical company. They are making sure that what women are using does not contain parabens, does not contain phthalates, does not contained fragrances. Because honestly those things do add up in toxicity and can eventually cause the horrible C word cancer. So bcpp.com. And one more safecosmetics.com love this website. Ladies cosmetics are a huge problem. You probably have not even thought about okay you putting this lipstick on lipstick You are ingesting lipsticks contain lead, heavy metals, oftentimes the minerals are being shipped from China. They've never had a test done on their safety, their containing red dye 40s we already know causes brain problems, problems thinking. A lot of this so called mineral based makeup like I said, minerals. Okay, minerals. Yeah, minerals are great. But minerals can also be toxic. Mercury is toxic, lead is toxic. So do we want minerals that are toxic on our skin? No, we don't. So safe cosmetics.com. And I speak a lot about makeup on my Earth Conscious Mama site as well.

Ed Jones 20:37 Well, and I think most of this you're talking about is clueless to the general public. Because again, we are brought up to this kind of like, false trusting of the government. The government is kinda like the water company here in my local city, I don't really trash the water company, because they do a pretty decent job. They're not supposed to clean up all toxins, they can't and supply a town of 300,000 people. The rest of it's on me to do that. And with you, the rest of its on people who want to be educated about these cosmetics. Now, when people say, oh, you know, these are general terms to harm the body toxins within the body. You know, give me some science? Well, the science is very clear that what it's doing is damaging the mitochondrial function. What is that? That's the energy production cell of the body. When you damage it, you are going to create disease. The greatest book I've ever read Tripping Over the Truth talks completely about that I encourage anyone to read it who has the Big C word or has multiple diseases because it explains why that lipstick caused that disease. And this is not just fluff. There's really stuff so what else have you got Cady?

Cady Kuhlman 21:51 So as you're talking about, you know, beauty care items. And as I was touching on that, there is a documentary coming out called toxic beauty that I'm really excited. Amazon is going to have it on Amazon Prime. And then you also can go to toxic beauties website, just Google that and there's different showings that are gonna come across the country to your area trying to get it to our local area here. But it's it's basically speaking about how our makeup is potentially causing us to reproduce less babies. We're at an all time low in our country for women having reproductive health issues. And finally, coming to mainstream media is some attention on maybe the toxins in our everyday items has caused us to be less fertile and be able to have sadly, a lot of reproductive issues. So I would like to say now, four chemicals that I really, really want to encourage you to stop using. So these are four items you can go look for, you know, chemicals, you can go look right now in your bathroom, in your shower, and your detergents and see if you have them. Number one phthalates. Phthalates are used to literally soften plastic. So soften plastic. Why are we putting something on us to soften a chemical already? Phthalates are used in perfume, hairspray, soaps, makeups, lotion, shower curtains, blinds, to clean your floors. salads are everywhere.

Ed Jones 23:26 Will it be listed on the bottle?

Cady Kuhlman 23:27 It will actually. Yep, they will. Phthalates are endocrine disruptors meaning mimicking your body's own natural production of hormones. You know, we have an epidemic of people hitting puberty early, we have an epidemic of women going into menopause in their 30s, it's absurd.

Ed Jones 23:43 How do you spell file phthalates because I know it's unusual?

Cady Kuhlman 23:46 It is unusual. Phthalates. Number two chemical to avoid fluoride. This might be somewhat controversial as a lot of people still believe in in fluoride. So I would encourage you to go to PubMed do some research yourself if you're going to, you know second guess what I'm saying. I wholeheartedly encourage you to stop drinking and using fluoride toothpaste. No, I'm not a dentist. You know, so I don't have that background. But what I do have is I have some stats on the amount of fluoride that the US consumes. It is more than any other industrialized country. So 99% of Europe has banned fluoride completely banned it. Yet the US we still add it to our water and we consume it in large amounts in our toothpaste.

Ed Jones 24:46 Wow that's so that's scary. That's freakin scary. And I know that I read something in about a month ago that some of the bottled waters are actually have fluoride added to them but they don't list it on the ingredients and it does lower IQ. You know if you want to put it on your teeth during a treatment is one thing but you don't consume it every stinking day. It makes no sense, does it?

Cady Kuhlman 25:05 It doesn't make sense. And just one anecdotal small story I have never used fluoride toothpaste. I've never had a cavity. So yeah.

Ed Jones 25:15 And again, that doesn't absolutely prove anything but quit trying to have absolute proof. We have some kind of addiction to academia in this country and the new religion is is you know, these research datas and there's important to have with that research. We need people who are studying, but the thing is 70% of all the conclusions that come out of research are being funded for a goal. A goal of selling something.

Cady Kuhlman 25:44 Third chemical to avoid parabens. Parabens have now been classified as a direct link to breast cancer. Direct link there people. It mimics estrogen that's as simple as it can be. Please avoid parabens parabens are found in everything. Lastly, fragrances, this is a big one for me. So in order to make the smell of a fragrance so when you smell that like Febreeze or you smell that Bath and Bodyworks candle in order for that company to make that there's a potential amount of chemicals they can use. 3164 chemicals to be exact are allowed to be used as fragrances, that company does not have to disclose what chemicals those are the sourcing, any link to health on any of those fragrances, they simply can throw any of those 3000 chemicals into that product. You will find them listed on your products as fragrances as perfume as aroma. They're using detergents, they're using fabric softeners. They're used in dryer sheets, lip glosses, cleansers, they are simply synthetic toxins that are adding to our bodies burden.

Ed Jones 26:55 Well, I have to admit that one of my weak points is not junk food is actually cologne. I really really like the good quality colognes. There's something about it, I don't know. But again, it's all about the cup. I empty my cup on so many areas of life that it gives you room to do some of the few things that you really enjoy if even if it is toxic. So it's not like living in a cave is it? It's about using common sense and picking products that all you already use. You just simply shop somewhere else for more purity and those are the two pieces of information on the aApps and the website. I mean, you don't need to be going out people and trying to evaluate every product. You have too busy of a life. So let us, let Cady, let The Holistic Navigator let these websites really do the work for you and shop at places that really care. I mean one of our main sponsors is nutritionw.com which we partner with, they have the best ethics of anyone in town or in in the country and they have online ordering and there's nothing they have that would probably not please you so.

Cady Kuhlman 28:02 Thank you. I totally agree we are too busy to constantly have to research so let find your guides find your toolbox. Before we go here I do want to draw attention. I want I challenge you actually is what I do to go look at for everyday items in your household, these four that I would like to point out number one your detergent, maybe you don't wash your clothes every day, but you are wearing your clothes every day. So essentially you're wearing what you washed, you know your clothes in. There's a term that I want to throw out here called Green Washing. It is very very common in our society, especially with detergents. Companies have found that if they put green colors on the detergent bottle, if they put flowers, if they say plant extracts, if they say natural, if they say grown with love, if they make you feel warm and fuzzy, then it's called Green Washing and sadly, then you don't turn it around and look at the ingredients because you believe you put your trust in in what the marketing did for that bottle. It's a sad reality in our world. So I really want to draw attention to greenwashing. I have fallen for it, you've probably fallen for it. I currently right now just to give a name of one product that I love Molly's Suds, best detergent that I've ever found hands down, clean, clean, clean. Number two common product that I really want you to go look at your toothpaste, just go look at the amount of chemicals that you potentially can't read even the name of or unsure of what they're doing. Those are directly either being swallowed or going into the bloodstream. Chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate that we actually clean up blood spills and wrecks with because it's such a harsh cleaning agent. It strips everything. We don't need to strip everything all the time. Number three, please go look at your makeup. Now. Like I touched on earlier lead, mercury, heavy metals all found in our makeup especially in our lipsticks and lip gloss. Number four please review your body wash, body wash, you're in the shower, the hot water is pouring on you, your cells, your everything's opening up your pores because that hot water is relaxing, opening them up. So it's opening them up and then there goes chemicals lathered straight onto your skin. Please, please, please choose a clean body wash. My recommendation currently, and I'm always staying up to date so this could change in a little bit, but it has consistently for years my recommendation has been Dr. Bronner's.

Ed Jones 30:33 Absolutely. And I met Dr. Bronner, back in the late 70s and 80s. Coolest guy was blind. And he has such a spirit about him. And he really you know, and the bottle is quite odd when you read all the the philosophies that he's printed on there, but I'm telling you, I have used Dr. Bronner's for 40 years. Again, it's one of those little simple methods to keep my cup from being full. So any last thing you want to say, and again, I want you to remind people about the Facebook so that they can go in there. I know, you talk a lot about cosmetics on there. I know you talk a lot about life and and and choices and what you can do. And it's not long articles. It's very simple, very to the point, and you're living it and you're sharing it. And that's very important.

Cady Kuhlman 31:18 Thank you. Yeah, so Earth Conscious Mama, really, really big passion of mine. I want people to live their most vital lives, and I don't feel like we possibly can feel our absolute best if we are going in to Target, we're picking up our chemical detergent, we're picking up our fragrant smelling candles, we're picking up our makeup that we have no idea what's in it. I just want to help empower people. And I want to make it easy and simple. But I also want to give you items that work. So don't think just because I'm really switching us to all things natural that you're going to have, you know, a terrible smelling detergent or a bad working makeup. No, it's not true. There are ways that we can make all these products safe and perform well. And that's where I really want to hit that balance.

Ed Jones 32:07 You know, we try to shoot for about 30 minutes on these we're slide that over, I got to talk about two things really quickly. One is again, you know, people are very concerned about the deodorant or eliminating smell under their arms. First off, it's not an exact science. And sometimes when you've used really bad deodorant for many years, you actually have to go through an armpit detox. And it's not a fantasy, it's actually a real thing. Because you've kind of concentrated all these internal chemicals, and they're backlogged and they almost have to come out. So sometimes that's why the natural remedies don't work at first, but it's really a process of detoxing, and you do need to experiment. I have several couple different deodorants work better than the other ones. But you'd so don't give up if that's not working. Lastly, my absolute most probably irritating environmental toxin, which again in our house is killing us more than when we're out in the city is Febreeze and those plug in, I almost could say a cuss word those plug in air fresheners. Cady for 60 seconds tell me and everyone how bad they are.

Cady Kuhlman 33:18 They are complete, toxic garbage, please, please, there was one thing you are going to get from today. Please do not use Febreeze. Febreeze does not eliminate odors, it actually just causes you to not smell the odor because the fragrances are literally blocking your smells of anything else because they're so strong. The company that makes for breeze which is PNG is actually only disclosing three ingredients in their product. But the EWG went further the resource that I told you about earlier and found 87 chemicals within Febreeze. 87. There's fragrances, there's propylene glycol, there's ethyl acetate, there's BHT, which is a known neurotoxin, there's a cetyl hide, which is known to cause cancer, there are I mean 87 of these chemicals, so please do not use those plugins. Please don't spray it around, especially if you have young babies and kids and, and elderly and anyone just don't use it.

Ed Jones 34:19 And thank you so much. You're just a world of information today and again, these plugins, environmental things you're exposing yourself for every hour, you're in the house. At least if you're eating something unhealthy, you're doing it for that hour. When you're sleeping into that environment. You're just asking for trouble. So again, our main sponsor nutritionw.com has many of these products but plenty there's plenty of good companies out there. We're certainly not saying there's only one so you know, be a wise consumer and thank you Cady for joining The Holistic Navigator.

Cady Kuhlman 34:50 Thank you so much.

Ed Jones 34:51 You're welcome. And you know I read this quote just about an hour ago it said the non toxic life is not expensive. It's priceless. And so true. And then one that I wrote, it says the foods you consume plus the exposure to daily environmental toxins has now become our slowest form of poison. And it truly has. So everybody, thank you for listening. We look forward to the next episode. I got a whole bunch of exciting things always on the drawing board. But please email us if you have a question or a request for some information. And all the best to you on a wonderful week and we will meet again next time. Thank you.

Brian Strickland 35:39 The information on this podcast and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or anyone of the medical profession and does not aim to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The holistic navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The holistic navigator is not a doctor, nor does he claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen.



“You have to be intentional about being healthy now. Health is not just something you luck up and have… Being healthy now takes a little bit of thought, intention, choosing the right foods, the right water, the right skin care, the right items in your life.”